I've had a similar idea (as has at least one other person) and I am fairly certain it is possible from the brief experiments I've done. However you need to change a LOT of things for each part, you can't just copy-paste them from one vessel onto another. For example, take the following: PART { name = sasModule uid = 4278143020 [b]parent = 27[/b] [b]position = 2.68220901489258E-07,-5.31838607788086,-1.65385222434998[/b] [b]rotation = 0,-0.8660254,0,0.5[/b] mirror = 1,1,1 [b]istg = 2[/b] [b]dstg = 4[/b] sqor = 2 sidx = 20 attm = 0 sym = 16 sym = 22 [b]srfN = srfAttach, 23[/b] [b]attN = bottom, 24[/b] [b]attN = none, -1[/b] mass = 0.8 temp = -168.5399 expt = 0.5 state = 1 connected = True attached = True } Every time a number of an adjacent part is referenced (parent, srfN, attN) it needs to be changed, as the number refers to where it is in the list of parts for the vessel. For example, if your vessel had three parts (0, 1, 2) and those were added to the end of a vessel with 5 parts (0, 1, 2, 3, 4), then the original three parts now have new numbers (5, 6, 7) and everything has to be updated to reflect that, and to define where the new parts connect to the old ones. I haven't done any experiments with staging (istg and dstg), but it doesn't seem that difficult to work out. The worst are the positions and rotation values. Position is defined assuming the command module as being at the 0, 0, 0 point. So if you try and copy and paste parts from one vessel to another, it's likely that the parts will intersect and try to occupy the same space. With rotation, it's a similar problem, because in most docking scenarios you'll want the parts to face a different way than they did originally. That needs to be changed too. Undocking would be even more complex, as you'd need to recreate the original vessel data somehow. Again, it's possible, but difficult. As for editing persistent.sfs in game, it only works if you exit back to the space center view. Presumably plugins can't operate from the space center so the actual "docking" would have to be done using an external editor.