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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I finally managed to get a functional station put together that I've been using as a fuel depot. Unfortunately, I built it at 100km. I tried to use a docked ship to raise its orbit but it started flying out of control and I had to reload.
  2. I'm really frustrated with KSP at the moment because it feels like I can't achieve anything I set my mind to in it right now, particularly mining kethane. It may be that there are particular, fundamental things about rocket design or the physics of it that I have yet to grasp, I dunno. I thought maybe I'd post for help in the questions forum, but I don't have a specific question. "How do I suck less at this game?" isn't really specific, lol.
  3. I really enjoyed your tutorial! You have a really patient way of explaining things. I've had KSP for quite awhile but I still feel like a noob. I hope you plan on explaining more complicated things soon, like "properly" establishing an orbit and gravity turns and all that.
  4. Well, that kinda leaves me in a catch-22. Because of the grid overlay problem, I can't really use Kethane with MJ2, but without MJ2 I'm a horrible pilot which thus makes Kethane pointless.
  5. This looks like one of the best nacelle mods so far. How's the work on it going?
  6. @SP, that's too bad. Also, with your rocket I used the retrorockets for separation, but they didn't work. The retrorockets fired BEFORE the decouplers activated so it was a total waste. Did I do something wrong with the staging?
  7. Has anyone gotten either attempt at warp engines to work? These 'booster' nacelles explode as soon as I activate them, in space or not, and the other ones will throttle up to a certain speed and then, for no reason, detach from my ship!
  8. Sunday Punch, I love your parts! I tried building a rocket just like the one in your picture. It was pretty unstable, though. It always seemed to detach in the middle, right below that single booster. That reminds me, is there any way to modify the strength of connections? It seems like a lot of engines are too powerful and just rip rockets apart. I know that's probably more realistic but it's not as fun.
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