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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I thought this would be an interesting thread to start at least until Kerbal has multiplayer. I think the title of the thread is fairly self-explanatory, post your Gamertag or PSN name and what games you play or are looking forward to playing and maybe a few of us can start playing together outside the forums! Gamertag for Xbox Live is IErrantVentureI Lately I've been playing Battlefield: Bad Company 2 to pass the time until Battlefield 3. Other than that, I'm always up to play Gears of War 1, (I despise the sequel) and I love all things Rock Band. I'm always up to play any of these or anything else I might have so feel free to add me. Games I absolutely need to have? Battlefield 3, Gears of War 3, and Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim! No PS3 for me!
  2. I like the Salty Explorer design and Elton John behind it makes it that much better! I like how you timed the music to the first stage breaking off. What mod are these parts from? Also, I'm impressed at how much control you seem to have over the Salty Stratus Mk. I.
  3. It's oddly beautiful with the boosters swinging around. What decides if it blows up on the pad or launches successfully?
  4. Is that even remotely functional from a mechanical standpoint? That looks ridiculous! And I agree, it looks very heavy.
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