I thought this would be an interesting thread to start at least until Kerbal has multiplayer. I think the title of the thread is fairly self-explanatory, post your Gamertag or PSN name and what games you play or are looking forward to playing and maybe a few of us can start playing together outside the forums! Gamertag for Xbox Live is IErrantVentureI Lately I've been playing Battlefield: Bad Company 2 to pass the time until Battlefield 3. Other than that, I'm always up to play Gears of War 1, (I despise the sequel) and I love all things Rock Band. I'm always up to play any of these or anything else I might have so feel free to add me. Games I absolutely need to have? Battlefield 3, Gears of War 3, and Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim! No PS3 for me!