I've been working on and off on this character for probably a year, though the accumulated work time is probably only 3 or 4 days. He is fully rigged, including a full facial blendshape setup. He is currently textured for VRay, but now that Renderman Non-Commercial is out I plan to convert the materials to Renderman. Software used: Maya, vray, photoshop, mudbox, nuke The jet pack control arms are rigged and unfold like they should. All the knobs and buttons are there. Here is his face controls. Smiles, frowns, open close, blinks, puckers, everything a character needs to emote and do basic dialogue. Emoting without eyebrows is very difficult. The lights on the helmet can be aimed with a controller. So there it is. I hope you like it. I would be interested to hear what you would like to see him do, he's all ready for animating. There are a few limitations to keep in mind with your suggestions though: No longer than 10 seconds, no dynamics (liquids, smoke, cloth) I can do some subtle dust and smoke effects in post-production like a puff of dust as he walks on the mun or the jet stream from his jetpack. But no crazy splash down shots or big explosions ( I know...KSP is all about the explosions). If I have enough time, and I really like the idea, I might just make it happen.