Confirmed by Nova it's after Jool I think. He made a post which I based that off of, I probably couldn't find it myself, it was something like 0.17 - Moho, lava planet - Eve, Venus analog -- Gilly, tiny captured asteroid moon - Kerbin -- Mún -- Minmus - DesertPlanet -- Large rocky moon - Gas Planet 1, green -- water moon -- rock moon -- icy moon -- asteroid moon Future updates: - Asteroid belt - Gas Giant 2, rings -- ringed moon -- moons - Gas Giant 3 -- moons - Tiny ice planet -- Tiny ice moon - Gas Giant 4 -- moons Personally I'm more excited for the outer solar system. I like the feeling of remoteness it has, even though it's not actually that far from home. My favourite planet is actually Neptune so I think I might have to establish a base around the furthest-out gas planet. For now, though, I think Duna is my first target