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Everything posted by Jabian

  1. Ive already got one ready and waiting on the moon, Haha i had it breaking dancing for hours cos it got stuck upside down. then the lander legs, some got stuck up some down. Wasn\'t as frighting.
  2. How much fun is this! reminds me of Little big planet, would be great to see some ideas like that, Buttons to push that activate switches/levers.
  3. Got most of the textures done to the first design. Fairly basic but now at a stage where i can add all the nice details to really bring it together. Doesnt fly anymore, but will need to go through all the CFG\'s fully. Fixed! Flys like a dream, and even floats pretty well too, can pick up some good speed on the water.
  4. Also, figured i could make some materia holders to put all across the ship at various points. Which can hold Blue materia - SAS Green materia - Demi (Blimp in disguise) Red Materia - Fire (decoupler bullets) Don think Summons will work just yet, maybe the Fat chocobo wark.
  5. I had made a pretty good version of the Highwind with the stock vanilla parts. Was tiny thought really and very.. 'off' looking. Balamb garden was also one on my list..
  6. There was a few which would be nice to make. The invincible would make a nice bomber. The Ragnarok would be quite complex but possible... what ideas do you have?
  7. Ever since i started playing this game there was one thing ive wanted to do, and im surprised no one else has just yet. Its so far been alot of fun. Coming up - Textures!! wheey... The Tiny Bronco Emerald Weapon Cids Spaceship and maybe the Sub.. Will keep this updated as soon as ive got those textures on im going to Mun.
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