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Posts posted by 100cottage

  1. I'm 23 years old, I have a 2012 17' Macbook Pro, 3.5 ghZ and 8Gb ram.

    Ive been playing KSP for a while now, and I would love to help the community any way I can, if it means testing builds and finding bugs, then find bugs I will :)

  2. The part i'm most excited for is the scenarios mainly because my favourite part of the apollo missions was the landings, as well as the gemini dockings. When i first started playing ksp, I had my friend get my lander into a low munar orbit, so I could continually practice landings :). I can't wait to see how their going to implement scenarios, they could be varying from, for example "Explorer 1, the first manned kerbal mission is about to begin it's lift off sequence. Fly the rocket from start to finish." This would be a great mission for those beginner ksp players. :) On the topic of the release date, I would much rather see this update be as amazing as it has the potential to be, and I know squad can definitly pull it off. The only thing that is getting in the way are the people who are posting their anger on the forums about how there's no release date. I say that Squad can do whatever they want, and I know that this update is going to be fantastic, like every one before it :) (Sorry for the kinda block of text, didnt realize how long it was )

  3. Hi everyone,

    Are there any working mods, or even any text challenges that have to do with a campaign mode, / parts costing money etc.

    I've been looking around the forums, but haven't found any, but if there are any, if comeone could point me in the right direction, that would be great. :)

  4. What I would personally like, is when Nova finishes any or all the planets he has set out to do this update, if hes finished before the rest of the change log, that they could maybe realease a 16.1, or in a way like the minecraft pre-releases, adding little features at a time. I can't say how much easier the update waiting would be with an entire new planet to explore :)

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