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Rocketry Enthusiast
@ Tomf sounds like a solid plan, im definitely going to try that, though is there a way to get a good deltaV estimate without KerbalEngineer? @Elwandeer yes i have patched conics so i can plan maneuvers, i did a moon trip before i could though, relying on the old pre-maneuver node alpha skills @ fancymouse It does yes, though it also prevents any SAS from happening so its tedious during launch to get a "perfect" 90 LKO orbit I could have jeb just leave the rocket as soon as LKO has been achieved though...
@Cybersol, After i discovered the "curveball" i was thrown with this mission i reverted back to VAB to build a stronger rocket, though also i had to do some other non-ksp things Gonna try the approach tonight. @FancyMouse, note that the stuck kerbal is not stuck inside the moons SOI, though it will pass through it in a few orbits, i know about the jetpack trick and have used it in the past a lot, though the range you have to get to is relatively veeeery close when dealing with 10k km orbits. The biggest challenge is the fact that both the orbit is inclined, the inclination point is nowhere near apoapsis/periapsis, the apoapsis and periapsis vary by about 2900 km and if its not done fast enough my kerbal guy gets to hang out with eve. Also as a bonus, if i "fail" the mission i have to take a huuuuuge rep and money penalty! Is there any ways to get more precise info on the orbit specs, ill post them so someone can see place a pod the same orbit in their game.
Just accepted my second "rescue a kerbal" contract thinking it was just a simple rendevous and transfer mission in LKO. I was wrong.... Turns out poor Newdard got himself stuck in a noncircular, inclined orbit that will hit the moon in about 3 orbits after i accepted the contract. The orbit runs from 11.5k km to 8.2k km high After flying to him with my small mun rocket made for orbiting the mun, aligning orbits sort of and then beginning a chase to catch up to him, i discovered that after a few orbits the guy encounters the moon and, depending on reloading, gets impacted or slung out of kerbins SOI to go hang out with eve... So now i'd have to figure out a way to basically fly directly towards him, pick him up and leave the orbit. I cant accept/do any other missions now because if i do the time i have for the moon impact occurring is reduced. I got patched conics upgraded and the launchpad and VAB are both level 2 with the science tree somewhere halfway the 90science tier, i got the superlong boosters and long 1.25m tanks though, so i got that going for me... my current craft is barely capable of matching orbits with the stranded pod doing a hoffman transfer. here is some more information: Are there any good ways to intercept towards such a non-standard orbit?
I just got a silly contract that seemed alright at first. Rescue this guy from orbit, look at map, oh just a 8000 to 10.000 inclined orbit, that should be doable giving enough time to line up orbits. Then find out halfway through the mission that after 3 orbits the poor guy gets slingshotted by the moon into kerbol orbit..... -_-" So now i either have to ditch the contract and suffer a big rep loss, or figure out a way to perfectly launch, align and "dock" with this capsule in one go... (anyone got suggestions?)
The new KSP 1.0 aerodynamics model requires you to start turning straight after launch. I found it was "easiest" to tilt like 10 or 15 degrees over, and then just fire prograde. If you haven't tipped over fast enough by around 20 km's you can start turning without much risk of spinning. I noticed trying to turn when just above 300m/s (mach1) a few km's up results almost instantly in tumbling rockets
Going to Plaid! The extremely hot challenge
MissStabby replied to problemecium's topic in KSP1 Challenges & Mission ideas
Someone make a vehicle that does a crazy fast reentry and then having 8 engines pointed to a part in the middle, so you get burns + reentry heat -
New Mobile Processing Lab mechanics
MissStabby replied to Elthy's topic in KSP1 Gameplay Questions and Tutorials
Then here's a question, How do you know what experiments you already fed to your lab and what ones you can still stuff into one? Especially if you'd run multiple labs i can imagine it will get confusing really quickly about which experiments can still be used for data. -
In early access everybody who hops onboard of the dev train gets to experience how a game can grow from a basic gameplay concept to a full fledged game. With every stop in the line new features get added and the game becomes just a bit more awesome over a very long timespan. Even though its easy to name new features, abilities areas for KSP to expand into (ocean ships, more parts, multiple solarsystems, interstellar travel, grabbing arms/pistons or automated systems, first person EVA and so on) it is for the developer to decide when and where that dev train gets to pass the "finished" station. Maybe other long time players would like to have that station away in the distance, maybe forever even. Though looking at KSP from a distance, you get a game with "solid" physics and orbital mechanics, a great builder that allows to build all the rockets and planes you can imagine, you get to fly those like in a flight sim, you got a mission based mode where you have to complete assignments, gather science, ore and make a profit, you get to upgrade your equipment and buildings, similar to a tycoon management game. Also it allows players to actually step outside and plant flags on foreign moons and planets. And any feature that is missing can be modded in since KSP has very good modding support. I myself think KSP is 1.0 worthy at this moment, though i already thought it was 1.0 worthy after they introduced docking and space stations. Also i think 1.0 is not the "end" of the stream of updates, atleast i hope so
Can't seem to land any MK3 style planes?
MissStabby replied to MissStabby's topic in KSP1 Discussion
Nice to know it wasn't just my landing skills failing like crazy Its weird that the big landing wheels dont have any suspension, i would expect those giant telescopic pistons to cushion the huge weight of the large crafts they are putting on the ground. There is a lot of clearance and room for travel with these new big landing gears. Like here at the 3:50 mark: -
After 1.0 came out i thought i'd have a go at KSP since i played it a few months ago. And though careermode is awesome and in sandbox i created and flew quite a set of different ships and planes, i noticed something weird. Every plane i made with the large Mk3 shuttle parts seems to have big issues surviving a landing. For some reason the sections just come apart upon touching down. I tried scaling down my Mk3 planes to see if that would make a difference, though even with a "small" 4 part hull it still seems to just disintegrate upon touching down. Here is the "smallest" MK3 plane i built, tried extra landing gear, only fuel in the wings and the "endcap" and having a empty utility bay. but it still seems to come apart when landing like it's made out of porcelain. Does anybody have some tips on increasing the survivability of these gigantic jets?
At the moment there are a lot of areas that can be studied, different biomes and different instruments at different altitudes. What i would like to suggest is to have a kind of science database / checklist that you can use to track the fields of study. Also in order to recover 100% of the science points for a specific area there would be certain requirements, including physical samples that have been returned to KSC. for example with duna Step1: conduct a biome study, Have satellites in orbit study the different biomes to figure out what they are, then you get a biome list, for example: Highlands Riverbeds Canyons Craters And for each of the biomes you get a little checklist: Photo of biome [surface] [low alt] [high alt] [low orbit] [high orbit] [during reentry] Measurements of MysteryGoo [surface] [low alt] [high alt] [low orbit] [high orbit] [during reentry] Measurements of ScienceJr [surface] [low alt] [high alt] [low orbit] [high orbit] [during reentry] Returned piece of MysteryGoo [surface] [low alt] [high alt] [low orbit] [high orbit] [during reentry] Returned sample of ScienceJr [surface] [low alt] [high alt] [low orbit] [high orbit] [during reentry] Temperature measurements [surface] [low alt] [high alt] [low orbit] [high orbit] [during reentry] Returned Ground sample [surface] Analysed groundsample [surface] Returned Liquid sample [surface] (if available) Analysed Liquid sample [surface] (if available) Temperature by Day [surface] [low alt] [high alt] [low orbit] [high orbit] [during reentry] Temperature by Night [surface] [low alt] [high alt] [low orbit] [high orbit] [during reentry] EVA report [surface] [low alt] [high alt] [low orbit] [high orbit] [during reentry??!?] Crew report [surface] [low alt] [high alt] [low orbit] [high orbit] [during reentry] Atmosphere pressure [surface] [low alt] [high alt] Gravmax [surface] [orbit] Seismic analysis [surface] (have a lander analyse seismic activity for an extended period) Flag planted [surface] Each of these items would have to be checked to receive the full 100% of science available, so each check counts to a "explored" percentage, a fully explored biome gives a big boost in science, a fully explored planet an even bigger boost. After getting 100% there would not be any more science obtainable from that specific celestial body. This also allows for earlier missions just relying on transmissions of measurements/analysis and later more advanced rockets being able to return with samples. For every tickbox there could also be a requirement to repeat the experiment, so you would need 3 surface samples instead of 1 for completing that part. This science checklist would help players plan their next trip and point out what to pack for their next mission.
Another option that i can see is the transmission from surface to an orbiting "data probe" and then have the orbiting probe fly all the way home to KSC for nearly full science points. For full points i could even imagine a small probe with a storage compartment that can detach from the rover/lander to fly into orbit and be picked up by a bigger craft that can bring a sample home. These small probe storage compartments can only store 1 sample and cant actually gather science points themselves.
Experiments Overwrite Each Other?
MissStabby replied to DannySwish's topic in KSP1 Suggestions & Development Discussion
I would love to have some kind of "storage bay" item that lets my kerbins transfer experiments from their research apparatus to a safer place, including the samples from the goo containers or the material analysis pods. That way i wouldnt have to make crazy landers or rockets with like 6 of those science modules. Now i would have to make multiple missions with a single researchmodule rocket to gather the "high orbit above X", "low orbit above X", "on surface of X" for every celestial body. (atleast if i want to go for 100% science by retrieving the samples) -
First of all i understand the current science system is OP, though the idea i am suggesting is this: Currently satellites that just orbit are not of much use for the gathering of science-points, after 1 orbit they have seen all there is to see and they wont have any new things to do. So what if satellites can be set to act as comsats. Say a rover has landed on duna and has taken a sample of the environment. Normally you would either have to return the rover to kerbin for 100% science points or you would have to cope with a reduced percentage of science. Lets say 15% of the initial science value. Though if you took the time to bring a comsat in orbit around duna that can relay the signal, it's value would be 40% if it was to bounce straight from the rover to the duna comsat back to KSC. If however you have a comsat or spacestation orbiting Kerbin, it could be used to further boost the signal and science value of the transmission to 60%. For a comsat to "work" it has to have atleast 2 transmitters and either solarpanels or a RTG, guaranteeing it would always have power even when its not "loaded" in memory. The percentages calculation could also be calculated by having the longest distance between 2 points of the chain being the determining factor. Atmospheres also add a modifier to this distance to balance it out. This can mean its better for a rover to wait until a comsat is flying over closely or to wait until the position of the planets is the closest when trying to get the maximum science from a transmission. Also this encourages the player to bring satellites into orbit in the same plane as the surface operations so that the distance between rover and comsat is the smallest. To reduce waiting times and having to make sure multiple satellites align it is also possible to add multiple comsats into the same orbit, this will increase coverage and make sure there is always the "shortest" distance used for transmissions. This system could also reduce the amount of power required per transmission. (or increase the amount required when there are no comsats around) Atmospheres would also have an impact on energy costs, so a transmission from ike would be "cheaper" then a transmission from Duna. Comsats could also enable the requirement for line of sight when transmitting, so if you are exploring the rear of the mun you would need a comsat in order to allow transmissions in the first place. To provide full coverage you would then need at least 3 satellites in the same orbit to ensure there is always a line of sight. All these ideas are currently relying on a instant transmission, though i could also imagine satellites being able to store a transmission and wait with sending until their position is more optimal, either automatically or by the management of the player. Though this would make things a lot more complicated for the beginning player.
Scientist in Space!
MissStabby replied to Hoagster35's topic in KSP1 Suggestions & Development Discussion
I could imagine the scientists still capable of EVA but... they don't get to have jetpacks! This way scientists could still walk ladders around space stations to gather space samples. And if a scientist slips, he has to be "captured" and if theres nobody around he's doomed... Another way to increase mobility for these scientist kerbals is to use a robotic arm, like the Canada arm on the ISS. I could imagine the scientists are still allowed to "ride" an escape vehicle from orbit that is like a scientist/crew pod with a probe body attached.