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Everything posted by Kadaster

  1. [quote name='FancyMouse']OK I think I finally found out what's the problem - it seems like due to the support for aborted transmission and returning back data, those piece of code has been refactored, and one new event is introduced called GameEvents.OnTriggeredDataTransmission. This event calls the lab/surveyor complete method to finish up the transmission, including adding science. Since it's newly added in 1.0.5, 1.0.4 code will certainly break as is. So I just added [CODE] GameEvents.OnTriggeredDataTransmission.Fire(scienceData); [/CODE] Along with a hack to fix NRE, it seems working now. [/QUOTE] THANK YOU! this fixed it, this issue was driving me nuts
  2. The ingame version that your actually dealing with while playing the game, has more value to me that the title screen. Thus i always called it mun.
  3. loving the new sas system. not having to turn sas off and on to change the trajectery works miracles, especially while preforming docking manouvers and landings. i have no clue why people have a problem with it. it works fine with me, way better then the old system.
  4. my desire to play ksp always dims down right before and upcomming update, but when that update is released it comes back with a vengeance
  5. no it's german hallo jbaltus123 en welkom bij ksp, ik speel sinds .14 net voor de update .15. als je erg nieuw bent met ksp en sommige dingen niet begrijpt zal ik je aanraden om scott manley's vid op youtube te bekijken. Hij heeft zeer goede tutorials en informatie voor beginnende spelers. veel plezier! (Translations) hallo jbaltus123 and welcome to ksp, I've been playing since .14 just before the update .15. If your very new to ksp and don't understand everything yet i'd recomend watching scott manley on youtube. He has great tutorials and usefull information for beginning players. Have fun!
  6. Video from C7 testing the new sas on youtube
  7. i never found docking to be that hard, when docking was introduced in .18 i was able to dock two ships within the hour. now i do it in a few minutes. and i have never used mechjeb, i dont like addons that play the game for you.
  8. Ha! i like this one "Every 4 out of 5 Kerbals will suffer a tragic death. Does this mean 1 enjoys it?"
  9. 0.15, i bought ksp immediately after i saw the game on kurtjmac channel. one of the best purchases i've made in 2012, i never regretted it
  10. landed taking off docking with the command pod in orbit to trasfer the crew and left over fuel Re-entry home
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