I have thought about ways in which the manoeuvre nodes can be improved because they can be quite often a faff to get right. The number of toggles in each node is too easy to miss click so an idea to fix that would be to, add to the option box that askes when you add a manoeuvre node the three different types of node. I then thought any plane change manoeuvre nodes should automatically appear on a descending node when a target is selected. The toggles on each node are not suited for plane changes so how about a 360 degree protractor for the manual adjustments. A reason why manoeuvre nodes are great is because they can reduce three burns into one, so when multiple nodes of different types are added onto an orbital path they can be manually dragged on top on the other with a snapping action that creates a node at a distance between the two of maximum efficiency, where the orbit change setup will remain the same. The blue toggles that shift the orbit could overlay the map view with a sphere in the centre of the orbit, the centre of the planetary body being orbited and the centre of a targets orbit, the orbit could then be dragged to the position most wanted and could even snap to the centres listed. the main reason I thought they needed improved is the difficulty in getting a burn right, there could be a slider that changes the precision of the toggles for large burns at full slider and tiny adjustments at empty slider. This is just a series of ideas that I want other peoples opinions on, any improvements to the idea, why it is a good/bad idea.