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Posts posted by Speijker

  1. It took a long time to get interplanetary launch windows in stock down.

    I used to just burn into kerbol orbit, and then do a transfer: getting a launch window about halved my fuel needs, and Duna and Eve are easily reached now.

    Learning how to do this is not the wall mind; it's finding out things like launch windows exist in the first place (thanks, random forum poster!).

    I'm still having trouble finding launch windows for planets not in the same plane as Kerbin though (I know mods help in this regard, but I like playing without any). If somebody's got an easy trick for it, that'd be awesome.

    Edit: thinking about it, the hardest thing to learn was landing on the Mün. Before there was landing gear. Or a map view which predicted intersects. . .

    Found the

    (note Minmus wasn't even discovered yet).
  2. Really like the font! Definitely using it in a next flag design.

    One thing I'd improve though, is the length of the horizontal bar between the different elements/squiggles: it takes up about twice the amount of space (on my screen at least) to write Kerbich, compared to the latin alphabet.

    That said; Kerbals aren't particularly well known for efficiency (especially concerning rocket-designs).

  3. The new 0.90 is hard enough to force me to try new things; never needed money before to get to the Mün and land (orbit was achieved (return was sticky)), but I need a bigger assembly hall.

    So, survey missions all around, and learning to build planes along the way: did get a nice picture of the Mün with some mountains.


    Survey at 19 km, and made it back to the runway for full recovery.

  4. Looking awesome.

    Personally, I'd make a combination: the laurels from 1 & 2 (love the colour gradient), yellow squiggly line under the spaceship from 3, and make the bars on the side not the deep red or light yellow, but something dark orangey in between so they'd complement the laurels better.

    Maybe make the yellow circle outline a little darker (like the boxes' border) or keep it black.

    Edit: otherwise, go for number one, but give the bars a darker red border rather than a black one.

  5. wow!!! awesome! can we yse [use] this as our official flag? (with credit of course)

    Sure, that's what this topic's for.

    I've touched it up a little with some noise, it looks slightly better...


    Also: decals:


    And don't worry about the credit (at least, for me. As long as you like it, I'm happy).

  6. could i ask for a flag for KATEC (Kerbin's Advanced TEchnology Collective) you can make it anything you want! i'm trusting you after seeing all your work. as long as it looks high tech and advanced i'm pleased

    High Tech and Advanced: A solar powered flag, with glowing lettering (disclaimer: does not actually emit light).


    Did this quickly. I'm sure somebody can make a more convincing solar panel... but the idea was too good to pass up...

  7. The name and flag are in my avatar and signature (I hope I translated it right to mean Pathfinder Company, someone tell me if it's wrong).

    Established mid 2012, and still launching Kerbals into space (sometimes they even make it back!)

    The logo is the Promethium atom, named after the god who brought fire (symbolic for knowledge or enlightenment) to mankind.

    Similarly, we bring explosive science to Kerbals.

  8. Free Return Trajectory for the first Mün fly-by in my new .25 save. It does help save a little bit of fuel. Then again, maybe I've burned more to set up in the first place.


    On a side note: the new administration staff would like to stress that the new luxury pool at the KSC (for administrative personel only!) is entirely unrelated to cuts in the rocket fuel budget.

  9. Use

    [img] ... [/img]


    The URL is a location accesible for everyone on the internet, like http://i.imgur.com/8HSSvWU.png

    So if I use


    I get: 8HSSvWU.png

    protip: don't point to a location on your computer, like C://users/me/img.png ;)

    I use Imgur, but there's a number of free image hosting sites available.

  10. what program are you using?

    GIMP. Usually I use it together with Inkscape (for tracing bitmaps, i.e. creating silhouette's).

    Photoshop is basically the same program, but GIMP is for free and (almost) just as powerful.

  11. Something based around this seal (with perhaps a Kerbodyne colour scheme?) would be lovely.

    Something quick I threw together. There's still some missing (the nullis in verba bit), and it didn't turn out as glorious as it could've been. . .

    I assumed, since you wanted the colour scheme, it would've been a flag for Kerbodyne?


    Maybe I should make a silhouette of the Kerbalnaught's helmet. . . move the whole shield and helmet up and make some space for the nullis in verba banner. . .

    EDIT: I got this far; New post

  12. ... massively asparagus-staged rockets ... drop stages straight down on the launch pad ...

    I use subassemblies for asparagus-boosters (the ones on the side), which have a Sepratron minirocket perfectly balanced to the empty center of mass. That way they always clear my rocket quickly when spend, so they don't take out other engines when they fall down (especially when packed tight together). I can imagine it'll also help in not dropping straight down onto the launch pad*.

    * Safety of other buildings in the vicinity not guaranteed.

    Edit: maybe boosters become usefull once again, making sure you're 2.5km up already before the first debris fallback hits the launchpad, starting the asparagus-stage after the boosters've been firing for a while. . .

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