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Everything posted by Katharsis

  1. No, the first female Kerbal has to be named Valentina in memory of the first woman in space
  2. That can\'t be? Oh, I get it, it\'s a big conspiracy!
  3. Yea! What did the developers say about it? Just a joke or something behind it?
  4. 2° 26\'\' 59\' N 81° 33\'\' 37\' E
  5. What do I get if i tell you? At least you agree that I can name it, if it is important. Well... if it can make money, i\'d like to have half... And... how to I get to see the coordinates?
  6. Hello, yesterday, while trying a low altitude flyby over Mun (about 3km) I saw a strange tinkle, but crashed while trying to lose enough delta-v. Today I saw it again. Maybe it\'s no big deal and everybody knows about it, but i\'d like to share: A big half circle of stone, looks like a natural formation on first sight... about 100m high, 200m wide? The strange part was, I flew right through it with the jetpack, not even at highest speed. And in the middle of it I just vanished, with a little bit of smoke. I had worse landings, don\'t know what this was. I will try to fly through it with a spacecraft and report back. Oh, and if I am the first to report of this Formation/Alien artifact/dimensional gate/whatever it is, i would like to name it. For Science! 8)
  7. --== Kerbin Times News Bullettin ==-- Yesterday two little playing children were almost crushed by an object which seems to be a meteroite. The head-sized boulder came down in the sandbox of a kindergarten. Further investigation were taken over by the KSA, more information follows. --== Kerbington Post - Two days later ==-- ASTONISHING LAST WILL FROM SPACE (Big black letters on red ground) Kerbonauts last will found in what seemed to be a meteroite from outer space! (smaller) It wasn\' aliens, it was us! (yet smaller) --== Official Kerbal Space Agency Press Conference ==-- [...] In what seems to be a tragic accident, one kerbal, with his great insight and mathematical skills [...] Not enough fuel [...] threw his blackbox/webcam/voice-recorder/diary into the direction of kerbin But see for yourself: 'Hello, i am Jedlorf. When... IF you hear this I will be dead. I hope I will be famous, too. And I hope someone feeds my cat...' Me on the Mun. Hello Mom! Me and my ship on the Mun. There was an accident. Something with the landing struts. Couldn\'t quite figure it out. Nevertheless, I flew around for a bit. And finally I could se Kerbin. Had to walk, fly and float for a while. Damn ship landed almost on the dark side. In space school they said something about a terminator... I hope he is as far away as the horizon. After I boarded again, I saw the dilemma. My fuel! I somewhat paniced and all I got out of my burntime was this (green) So I did the logical thing. I jumped and used the rest of my jetpack fuel. (blue) Quite dull. But, what was this? The Mun came closer again! Yea! No! So I sat there and tought for a while. Would it be possible? I worked the numbers again, and finally I came to believe: If I throw this recorder fast enough towards Kerbin, maybe, yes maybe, I could alter my flightpath far enough to be the first Kerbal who flies into the sun without a rocket! Maybe I aim right and it hits Kerbin, too! For Science!
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