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  1. I was already trying this sort of things when I saw the challenge. I mostly tried to make propeller driven planes, using the rotatron as the motor for the propeller. It wasn\'t successful, because the propellers had to be placed on an horizontal axis, and thus had a limited radius (to avoid hitting the runway). So I needed ridiculously hight rotation speed to accellerate, which always destroyed the plane. I then tried another approach : a tilt-rotor plane. It uses two large rotor which are initially on a vertical axis (no limited radius problem), starts flying like an helicopter and then rotate the rotor to behave like a plane. Ready to go ! Flying like a plane... Performing standard plane banked turn... Rough landing, but Desfurt is alive ! In helicopter mode, the craft is hardly controllable, so its basically 'trying to stay aloft until rotor has been rotated'. In plane mode it flies at ~25m/s, and is relatively stable. Landing is the real problem : helicopter mode is uncontrollable and impossible to land with this huge propeller blades. The best solution seems to be gliding unpowered in helicopter mode, but these huge blades made of wing parts disturb low speed gliding, often resulting in crash (but with the new explosion system in 0.16, and no fuel, the crew often survives ). I use a 300 rotation speed, but as I also needed low speed rotatrons for rotor tilting, so I duplicated the part and edited the copy (see attachement). Sometimes the craft seems to be stuck on the ground and won\'t take off, I don\'t know why, going back and forth to the hangar usually correct the problem. Enjoy it !
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