Thanks for the game and letting me into the forum community! Good thing there isn\'t a skill requirement otherwise I\'d be thrown out after all the Kerbals I\'ve killed in the one week I\'ve been playing! My 6 year old wants to sign up so bad but understands he isn\'t quite ready yet. Instead, there will be a $5 donation coming from his piggy bank. I told him I had already bought the game, but he insisted after hearing about how the project started and that it needs people\'s help to complete it and make it a success. We spent this morning watching numerous shuttle launchers, a documentary on Spaceship 1 and a bunch of Apollo mission videos. He\'s been so inspired by the game (and gets really upset when I lose a crew!) that we\'re setting up a real rocket build and flight before he officially starts school. So to finish, special thanks to Kikoskia and his Let\'s Play for introducing me to KSP, to tryDyingtoLive and his very helpful LP\'s and last but not least, to Squad and the crew for all their efforts. 3,2,1, blast off!