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Flying Penguin

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  1. Now how do I give my Kerbals a flat cap and a whippet?
  2. So you are advocating cyber stalking? :-[ =P But anyway, good luck to all those involved in sailing the good ship 0.16
  3. Not really, it\'s a different way of describing it, based on the 'circleness' rather than heigh difference, but that\'s just semantics. Personally I think two heights (and the resulting difference) is a much easier to visualise metric to use whilst actually doing it, rather than sitting at a table with an astrophysics textbook.
  4. There\'s two aspects really: What is close enough that you say 'to all intents and purposes that\'s circular'? and What precision level do you not allow yourself to slip below? For the first, within 5 k is 'circularish', but for the second, I\'ll aim for sub 300m, but if I\'m feeling really bored I\'ll go for sub 100, but I\'m rarely doing anything that requires that level of precision! Personal best is about 80, but I was very bored....
  5. But (and I\'m just thinking aloud here) if you compartmentalise space into loadable chunks (much like levels in other games), don\'t you make it much much harder to compute transfers? If I want to transfer between two systems which are more than a Kraken safe distance apart (and are therefore in two loading areas), how would you deal with calculating the physics of the transfer? The only way I can think to do it is to have a low-fidelity physics model for long distances, with a more realistic model kicking in for the current load area. I\'m sure it can be done, but it might need a bit of a re-think of the way transfer maths are handled....
  6. Well it definitely looks like having the stability well back is the way to go...... This single engined biplane variant on Cloud\'s design managed 341 on it\'s first run without any control input from me. I\'m sure there are some tweaks possible, just need the time
  7. Alright, a quick CoG adjustment later, 282.9 without leaving the ground. Edit: 343.6 with 5 engines
  8. It did a backflip and ended up falling vertically with the parachutes deployed and no engine, hence the parachutes ending up forwards. How high? I honestly didn\'t look at the altimeter, I was pushing the chute release Anyhow, your call....
  9. Here\'s my Silver entry, 285.6m/s with 3 engines. I took the speed as the highest achieved before it bounced and went ballistic! But all was good after the chutes opened. Cheers, Jamie
  10. Yep, Robbaz.... 'Nipple Sky Penetrator 1'..... 'Houston....Call for pizza, I\'m hungry...'
  11. Trinidad Moruga Scorpion chillis, liquified and concentrated. Helps him do a cracking impression of a solid fuel booster the next morning....
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