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Everything posted by Marcvs101

  1. This could as well be the first paraglider ever made in KSP, even tough it uses a semi-flexible wing. It is all stock apart from the KAS mod (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/25563-0-20-KAS-v0-3-1-Kerbal-Attachment-System) , used for the lines. --During normal flight-- --From the cockpit-- --Wingover-- --Twist which provoked a loss of control-- --At takeoff-- Details: Being a two liner, this paraglider is the simplest one to build and to manage; however when it enters a unusual asset, you have to use the chute in order to survive. It turns either by pulling the back line connected to one side of the wing using the KAS (it might be difficult to make the lines even again, as i have noticed that even with .01 difference from left and right lines, the glider starts to turn on its own); or by using Q and E to shift the load on the cables. (recommended) In order to launch from runway: set the parking brakes - decouple the wing - EVA and attach the cables - stretch out the cables to about 23.78 for the forward lines and 22.92 for the back lines (always leave a difference of lenght between front and back lines. I have found by experimentation that a difference of .80 is a good solution. Also long lines = more inertia required for the craft to move the wing, short lines = more reactive wing) - on the KAS control panel select the "Docked" option and release the brakes - undock with the wing and thrust up to the first or second mark (the engine should not make the smoke, too much thrust could make you flip over the wing with amusing results) - activate the SAS and keep pointing prograde - at this point the wing will rise going over you: let it stabilize and wait until you are in the air. On a sidenote, to go up and down use the throttle. Using pitch might produce a loss of control. Craft file: http://www./?7ou929o9so2bbrm
  2. I had a similar problem caused by fuel mass shifting from tanks on the front to the ones in the back. Try shifting that weight on the nose while in flight (basically transfer fuel to the front) Try having the center of lift a bit behind the center of mass, and watch out when adding canards to the front: atleast from my experience the craft undergoes tumbling and becomes impossible to recover.
  3. Allora forse quell\'autopilota non è compatibile con la .16 ... Sembra che ci dovremmo accontentare del volo a vista...
  4. Expedition 1 and 2 shaking hands on Minmus Expedition 1 arrival Expedition 1 landing on a mesa and EVA 10 km out Gathering samples Line up Dreaming about home (yes the kerbal is seated) Relocation near the icy sea, EVA to retrieve samples Expedition 2, Man, that was near Shaking hands Sorry for the long spoiler
  5. New parts are tricky, but this should get you to Minmus with TONS of fuel left. (it can also land on the mun) Edit- I have finally learned how to get the spoiler feature in here
  6. I am trying to make a horizontally launched SSTO: I know it is possible, in fact I have managed to make one, which failed to re-enter (it went spinning madly just under 40 km). Are there any advices anyone can give me? Also I still haven\'t managed to properly use an aerospike engine: I have noticed that it drains A LOT of fuel, a lot more than a standard liquid fuel engine.
  7. Sulla pagina dell\'autopilota dice di estrarre il file 'AR202_v2.zip' nella cartella principale di KSP. Fonte: ('To install, unzip AR202_v2.zip in your main KSP folder')
  8. The attitude of the wings has been modified: for example the Delta wing makes the craft pitch up a bit. I suggest that you build simple crafts (not necessarely spaceplanes, planes are good too) to test the part\'s new functionality.
  9. The game can handle more than 1000 pieces of debris... Now imagine the work of the physics engine if all theese debris entered the atmosphere...
  10. Il team di Italiani si allarga, a quanto pare.
  11. Heh, thanks flaillomanz. Got another pic of the first Monolith. It looks like a kind of arch.
  12. There are two of theese things! (the second one is barely visible: it looked like a star in the nightside, but then i realized it was on the surface) (again, fuel limited... and on the darkside..)
  13. There is a monolith inside one of the Mun\'s craters. Here are the pics: Looks like we are not alone after all. (Sorry if I couldn\'t get closer, I was short on fuel. With the next update, I\'ll send an expedition there)
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