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Everything posted by khmnc

  1. my plan was to calculate the position of the burn nodes, calculate the time until the craft reached the nearest one, warp to it, calculate the amount of time and the amount of thrust needed, make the burn until the amount of time needed has elapsed or it is too far from the burn point, then redo the calculations to see if another burn is needed so far my equations get within 12% of the target position, which is unacceptable
  2. it is possible to make a script to automatically do it. i have actually been working on one for over a week now but i have a problem in my equations somewhere >_<
  3. pcall seems to cause "Coroutine exception: IndexOutOfRangeException - Array index is out of range." i was hoping to use it to get around the annoying synchronization error =/ edit: no wait i figured it out, apparently using already locally declared variables to get multiple values from a function throws that error example: function FunTest() return true, "This is fun!" end local Done = false local R = "This is not fun" Done, R = FunTest() --<---craps out error but what works is: function FunTest() return true, "This is fun!" end local Done, R = FunTest() --<---for some reason good to go!
  4. with the standard lua math library math.log(number)
  5. post your script, without it your error is meaningless. also you can try to debug it yourself by removing chunks of your code, once you no longer have the error you'll know exactly where the error is in your script.
  6. if your using windows, go to the folder where the file is and press alt then under the tools menu select folder options then go to view and make sure that the "Hide extensions for known file types" is unchecked and click ok then look at your file again and make sure you are using the whole file name
  7. did you get the message "Usage: FlyMeToTheMun(lat, lon)" when you told it run the file?
  8. mechjeb.stage() does not seem to do anything in a function called by coroutine, is this because ksp is not meant to be multi-threaded? if so then is there a work around since the wait function outside of a coroutine (understandably) freezes the game?
  9. ok, i'll add a few of my own stories to the mix during a take off i had an all too common failure and had to abort, the pod got safely away from the wreckage and deployed its chute. everything looked good up until about 50-100m from the ground when a bit of debris hit the pod and knocked the parachute off. everyone died with a smile on their face... while making my orbital ascent i was costing to my apoapsis ready to make the burn to raise my periapsis and circularize my orbit, my ship was steady and giving no indication that something was wrong. but then my engines suddenly decided they had enough of this ride and wanted off, so they all spontaneously popped off during a mun mission i had fooled around a bit and forgot to keep an eye on my fuel gauge, so i had to make my trip back running on fumes. i ran out of both rocket and rcs fuel when my periapsis was just barely skimming the atmosphere. warping at 2x i was spending about 2 minutes real time in the atmosphere during each pass, so i had to sit there and press the warp button every 2 minutes while my apoapsis slowly dropped down to the point where i was sub-orbital...it took 4 or 5 hours real time... during my first mun mission of 0.15 i decided i would just land where ever, i crashed into the side of a mountain. while some parts survived, none of them were attached to the command pod, not even the parachute that many of us take for granted. seeing that there were survivors, i said to my self "i'm going to rescue them, after all how hard could it be, all i need to do it pick up a pod off the ground and take it home"...many swear words, kerbalnuts, and rescue craft later, i succeeded in getting it safely home <.< i could go on and on, but i think i'll stop there V_V
  10. i seem to have found a bug, if you have an unmanned command module (like one of the MechJeb eyes) and put an empty crew pod on the ship then it will always give the you need a crew to launch the ship error no mater what you do with it. if you remove the empty pod the ship flys just fine
  11. i don't think mechjeb was designed to be used with a weapon. my guess is that the sudden disappearance if its target confuses mechjeb and causes it to stop working, try removing the target lock before you fire.
  12. you need to target it with the rendezvous module then new buttons appear in the smart ass
  13. i think RVEL+/- points the ship towards or away from the relative velocity vector
  14. is it possible to access information about the object that the rendezvous module is targeting with Autom8?
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