Project AXES-S-32-B:
https://www./?61rmlqm186829j2 - Mediafire (.craft file) Uses Flag Decals mod. Mobius Squadron emblem sold separately. -All Mods allowed with the exception of tweakscale ✆Flag Decals used. -Must be a completely custom aircraft(no stock planes, no downloaded from elsewhere planes, no copies of real life planes, etc... Build it yourself from the ground up) ✆If it resembles something else, I am unaware of it. -under 15 tons(15 tons includes only main gun ammunition and internal fuel storage, all other weapons such as missiles and also external fuel tanks if you wish to include them do not count towards the 15 tons) ✆According to KSP, 14.1 tons. -under 45,000 dollars not including weapons ✆$44,987, including onboard ammunition. -must have 6+ mounting hard points ✆3 per wing plus 4 on fuselage. -must have at least 1 countermeasure pod ✆2, press action group 1 to use. -must have at least one main gun(any caliber) and at least 300 rounds of ammunition per gun(stored internally) ✆20mm with 1300 rounds. -Must have at least 250 gallons of fuel per engine stored internally ✆Additional fuel storage space available but unused, currently has 375 gallons per engine. -Must have the ability to utilize detachable external fuel tanks that can be jettisoned while inflight without damaging the aircraft(must have the ability to attach a small decoupler, can take up one mounting hard point per fuel tank) ✆Fuel tanks can be placed on hull or inner wing mounting points, but are not there to begin with. Plane should easily be able to lift any drop tanks you add. -must be able to go 300m/s under 1,000 meters and 500m/s between 5,000 and 8,000 meters ✆330 m/s (641 knots) speed at 500m ASL, capable of self-combustion due to friction overheating at 8000m ASL. Recommended top speed 700m/s (1360 knots). Documented top speed 1000 m/s (1943 knots) prior to airframe breaking apart with 100% heat setting. If heating is disabled, documented top speed of 1204 m/s (2340 knots), though it will bleed fuel while doing so. -Must be able to take off at speeds under 100 m/s and before passing the control tower on the KSC main runway ✆Capable of near-immediate take-off at speed ~30 m/s (~60 knots). -Must be able to roll and climb vertically immediately after liftoff(so it can perform combat take offs) ✆See above, this method was used to test previous. -Must be able to perform short/unimproved runway takeoff and landing(island airstrip off the coast of main KSC) ✆See above. -Must be able to perform agile high speed and high G maneuvers ✆Sustains 9.3+ G at most speeds, though airframe did break apart at speeds in excess of 800 m/s (1555 knots) upon an extremely sharp turn being pulled. -Must be sturdy so it doesn't break apart during high G flight or from barely being hit ✆Can also handle X2 physics timewarp, handles same G forces at high speeds. -Carrier capability ✆Easily able to handle take-off/landing from aircraft carriers. -Potential score 240+ given basic craft specifications relative to contract requirements.