Hello world!!! I'm new to posting on this forum but i thought id contribute. I have owned Ksp for a couple of weeks now and was sorta bored mucking about with space planes it was then that i discovered a weird bug, i'm assuming that this has been seen before but i thought i might as well put it out there. I made this very simple plane with a couple of delta and structural wings attached to a structural fuselage. I would launch it a couple of Km's into the air and then would sail it back down like a glider, when i got very close to the ground, say 200-100 Meters i would pull back and see how far i could glide, well it turns out i could glide for ever. At a pitch of +10 i would drop in speed untill 35.5 MpS then slowly start speeding up again while reaching higher altitude. Im guesing this has something to do with having too many wings on a light aircraft and that the lift Vs drag is unbalanced somehow. PLease reply if you have seen it before or know whats causing it. Im always interested in these weird bugs. Cheers