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Posts posted by CrashnBurn

  1. Pretty cool, I like the 'Hercules' heavy lifter best. Will that have space for multiple DEMVs? Also, will it be a standalone rocket/space plane?

    The Herc is in very early development, I can't say how it will finalize. The in-game physics seems to get very squirrelly at these weights, and it will take some time (and perhaps new KSP releases) to resolve all the issues and create a releasable heavy lifter mod. We're pretty insistent that our mods will be balanced to stock KSP (We're going back and balancing the earlier releases as well), so the "make a big craft with the density of smoke" approach used for other large craft mods isn't something we want to do. Look for a smaller, single DROP delivery vehicle to be released first.

  2. <snip> Perhaps the drop pod module could have a second activation that opens a door for side entry with or without the drop pod open?

    I'll see how much work that will be, it's a reasonable request.


    After talking with Bobcat, we don't think we will add another door. A ladder on the side of the DROP or on the nose of the rover works without needing an extra access door. Perhaps if we have some spare time in the future we will revisit the idea, but for now the stock ladders can help access the rover if you are having trouble.

    Thanks for the comments.

  3. Hey, saw the comments about issues with reproducing the end node issues. For me, I cannot add the drop pod via end nodes to any of my designs either. Maybe it is a plugin conflict causing an oops in the design? For myself, if I attach it, then I can attach stuff to the end nodes, however I want to transport it like a garage of sorts so an empty rat would be loaded into it and activated once on the ground. If I try attaching it stack style it goes red and cannot get it to connect for the life of me. Will peek around see if I can find a cause too. Also, I find it difficult to get my kerbin into the rat when it is loaded in the drop pod, expecially with a bit of gravity. Gotta ram it around a bit til I can get clearance to the ladder. Perhaps the drop pod module could have a second activation that opens a door for side entry with or without the drop pod open?

    The manual FAQ answers this issue, and it's been answered in both threads as well. I know it's a chore to read 42 pages of posts, but if it isn't too much trouble for the 5-page Field Manual, please take a moment to read through it. It will save the mod dev's a lot of time answering the same question over and over.

    To elaborate on the issue:

    You can't connect the DROP as an empty garage due to the game bug with multiple UP axes connection nodes described in the Mk4 manual. We can't do anything about it, it's a bug in KSP. You MUST connect to either one of the three parachute nodes or the internal floor node FIRST.

    You can modify the part.cfg so that the end nodes are parsed last, which would then cause the bug on the internal floor and parachute nodes.

  4. Well, if it helps this is what I have installed, and in this order

    Fresh 0.17

    1. Unpacked the DEMv4+drop mod

    2. Installed mechjeb as a precaution (wasnt sure if all was included in the above package)

    3. installed the electrical energy plugin

    And thats it. When I get home, I will unzip a new 0.17, and will add ONLY the demv4. Then I will add one at a time and see if I can replicate the issue. The only thing I can think of is

    one of the packages share files and some were replaced and some were not. As it stands with only the above mods installed, in that order - I can replicate this error on any new installation.

    This was my third attempt - I also tried adding them in a different order so as not to overwrite any newer libraries, but no luck - same result no matter which order.

    Thanks, I appreciate the help troubleshooting. I can't get this to occur, which makes it nearly impossible to try to fix. Any help from those experiencing the bug, is much appreciated.

  5. Anyone else having this issue?

    Does not matter which way I use it..

    The hatch is clearly not obstructed... I can't EVA from this thing..

    Devogen, the one time we were able to see this issue was on an older install that The Destroyer was using, when he created a new install the issue went away. I had a similar issue with the crewtank, but I was never able to track down the cause. Not sure what to say about this one...we're trying to figure it out but it's not reproducible and is apparently very rare.

  6. trying that, and it's still not cooperating. RAT is fully loaded but I can still only use the three underside nodes, neither of the end ones want to attach to anything else

    Well, you are not alone, we've had three reports of this (out of about 1200 downloads). I don't understand why any of our team can't reproduce it, nor do I have any clue why it's only a problem for so very few players. But we've decided to adjust the part model to see if we can fix it, because all players should be able to enjoy the mod. 6677 commented that he simply moved the nodes slightly which also will work, but leave a slight gap between the parts.

  7. Sorry, I should have been more specific. I love the manual, wish more mods came with them. Unfortunately, this doesn't address the issue, for me, perhaps I'm missing something. For example, I've just done a very simple experiment. Mk1-2 command pod, below it a large decoupler, then a fully assembled RAT inside a fully assembled DROP module (built horizontally atop the mk1-2, then detached). I'm still unable to link the end nodes of the DROP to anything. If I sub out the decoupler for other parts, the problem persists. I'm only saying this because it sounds like you're aware of a similar problem (if not the same).

    This problem might be unique to my setup. It does reoccur, but is easily worked around.

    Thanks again! I've got mk4s on Eve, Gilly, Dune, Ike, 6 on Mun, 4 on Minimus [from my multi-RAT landers]. I screwed up the... er... "math" on the Eve approach and had to use the RAT's onboard engines to de-orbit. Worked great, though.

    We've had two other reports of this and although we can't reproduce it, we're going to lower the collision mesh to try to resolve the issue for the few users that are experiencing it. I don't understand why it's only a problem for a few people, but I'll do my best to fix it. 6677 commented that he moved the attach nodes slightly and that resolved the problem for him, but that would leave a slight gap that is unsightly so I'd prefer to actually adjust the model.

  8. I'm experiencing the same bug. I even made a video with fraps to show it off. However, it's taking forever to upload to youtube.

    If you read the included manual, the FAQ answers this issue. Is has to do with a bug in the game about the last parsed attachment node UP axis.

    The DROP nodes are ordered for placing the Rover inside first. the easiest way to avoid this game bug is to attach the DROP horizontally on the top of your capsule, build the Rover inside then place the DROP in position.

  9. Yep, i expereinced that issue too but i bypass this problems with the structural fuselage.

    Yeah, 6677 knows what he is talking about, so I'm going to get that mesh adjusted. Not sure why I can't cause the issue, but I've had something similar happen to me when trying to use the crewtank. Collisions, hatch blocked and exploding...but only a few people have those problems with crewtank. There is definitely something in the game install or config that causes slightly different function of the parts collisions for some people.

  10. For what it's worth, I'm having no issues with MechJeb, and I didn't use the DLL included with the Mk 4, so no worries on overwriting MechJeb

    If that breaks things more, just overwrite your overwrite of their overwrite.

    If things are still broken....go make a sandwich? :)

    I'll take a Reuben on toasted rye, please, and a potato pancake on the side. Thanks! :wink:

  11. My first post, just wanted to say thanks for these great mods. They really make exploring the Kerbol System exciting.

    I've had a few issues and thought I'd post them here for the creators, if they are interested.

    • I have one craft that uses 2 unmanned RATs piloted by a MK1-2 command pod(no DROPs, I'll get to that later). From the very beginning of the flight (ie, on the launchpad) I have no images of my Kerbals, no logos in the lower right. Once I have landed, decoupled my RATs, and distributed my Kerbals, the problem persists.

    • In the Vehicle Assembly Building I find that while the DROP will latch onto just about anything using the bottom 3 attach points, the two at either end are finicky, to the point that I simply can't use them as often as I'd like. No amount of rotating, flipping or adjusting seems to help. It could be me, but the problem seems more persistent when using unmanned RATs.

    • Finally, my RATs often lose control; ie no thrust, steering, motor, etc. I can fix this by going back to the space center and re-selecting the flight. I just thought you should know.

    Like I said, I love these rovers, and the DROP pod is a blessing, when I can use it.

    Keep up the good work, and let me know if you'd like more info on any of these bugs.

    I don't wish to sound mean, but reading the manual would help. :) It's included in the mod download in both .doc and .txt formats.

    From the FAQ section:

    Q: Why can't I attach a part to the side nodes?

    A: There is a bug in the game that required the first attachment to be connected to the last node parsed in the part.cfg file. Try connecting a part to a node on another axis first. For example, connect the cargo before the engines on the Mk4 pod.

    The game has a bug in the way attach nodes are handled. The Up axis of the last attach node parsed in the part.cfg must be attached first in the VAB, before the other up axis nodes will work.

    You'll find that if you attach a part to the internal floor node or one of the three parachute attach points first, then the end nodes will connect fine. Since you typically attach the commandpod version into the DROP before connecting the rest of the rocket, the bug would not be an issue. But with the empty pod, some may try to attach the drop to the rocket before adding the Mk4, and the bug rears it's ugly head. We can't fix it. But you can change your build strategy and make it work. A simple workaround would be to build the DROP + empty Mk4 horizontally on top of your rocket then rotate it and connect it vertically in the stack.

    I hope that explanation is clear enough to get you building successfully. Enjoy the Mk4 and happy flying.

    As far as losing control, that's a new one for me, we don't do anything special there, just use the cart dll. If you read the cart issues, you'll note that an unmanned cart with crew capacity and no crew aboard can not be controlled, also if you use the radio relayl mod, the same issue applies.

  12. When that happens to me usually it means the generator or panel are from a different electric power plugin than the engine, making them incompatible.

    The Mk4 generator, batteries and engines use the included Kreuzung Electric Energy Plugin (zKreuzung.dll). They are not incompatible with each other. ;)

  13. When I applied the 2nd version of DEMV 4, it seems that MechJeb is now a bit funky. For example, SMARTAss doesn't do anything when you click on it. Some items do come up and can be used (Ascent module), but others don't. Has anyone else seen this?

    There is nothing special about the mumechlib.dll we use, it's the same one provided in the Mechjeb plugin. We just provide it in the download for your convenience. Try replacing the DLL with a fresh one from the mechjeb plugin.

    Mechjeb is only required if you want to use the empty command pod cockpit, which is a mechjeb part. Otherwise the mod doesn't use mechjeb.

  14. Hello haydn1997,

    Thank you for taking the time to reply. I had the "persistent debris" = 0 so now I have increased it and will try again.

    THX-1138, the problem is that the Mk1 is not a command pod part and thus is considered debris when it is disconnected from the main craft. You could add mechjeb to it if you wish.

  15. Thanks for the update, but unless I'm doing something wrong, parts still appear unbalanced:

    Test flights were conducted with the rocket pictured (that mechanical decoupler never caused problems before)

    This rocket now curves slightly toward the bottom (landing gear side) of the rocket. Nothing major, and Mech-Jeb can easily compensate. This is using the basic MK 4 with ion and bat/generator box. With a larger, orbital capable rocket, I don't imagine this being an issue, as the Center of Mass will start to average out as the side of the vessel increases. This behavior is new since the update,


    The next craft, has one 'chute mounted in the highest slot. It curves sharply toward the top (non landing gear side) of the drop pod. MechJeb will most likely require thrust vectoring and fins to counter this.


    Finally, With three chutes attached, the craft is difficult, if impossible, to keep flying straight with this setup.


    Please don't take any of this as complaining by the way. I can make do with the current Mk 4. I just wanted to add my findings to the conversation, and see if this helps you guys with bug hunting :)

    Yeah, because the DROP and Mk4 launch vertically and land horizontally AND have so many options, it's really up to you to balance the launch. I can launch with the Liquid fuel cargo and engine Mk4 options in a DROP with no SAS or RCS or mechjeb engaged and the launch is just about perfectly vertical. But as you adjust the load out you will also have to adjust your balance.

    It's the price you pay for so many different optional parts.

    The Mk4 release is a bit of a complicated mod, it requires somewhat more advanced building and flying skills than the stock parts. There's nothing too difficult about it, it just requires more attention to balance on both axes.

  16. Hey, did you guys read the Kerbal Gazette today?

    *** Industrial Spy Report ***

    A new shipment of massive parts has been spotted being delivered to the Bobcat Ind, Super Heavy Lift Division plant, near KSC. Although covered by thick tarps to disguise their outline, the parts are obviously far too large to be a conventional rocket pieces. It's certain that the engineers at Bobcat Ind. have something gigantic in the works, but exactly what is unknown. Previous rumors of a Heavy Planetary Lifter, code named "Hercules", are one possible explaination, but the reporters and industrial spys are unsure.

    Meanwhile the clanking and banging of heavy industrial equipment can be heard coming from inside the plant, but with the windows covered and all access points locked, we were only able to get a glimpse through a crack. Little could be seen, other than a large wall covered in Bobcat Yellow paint with typical space vehicle fittings.

    Stay tuned for further reports.

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