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Posts posted by voleurinconnu

  1. For all intents and purposes it's fixed. It used to be that the origin was located at the launch pad, and when you got far away from ksc the game had to deal with really huge numbers in order to do calculations, numbers large enough to where it has to round to an approximate location. when you got far enough away, different parts of your ship could get rounded to different numbers, making the ship at first wobble, and eventually fly apart.

    When Krakensbane was added the origin always stays with your ship, so now whenever it's calculating everything, you're still technically really close to the origin so it doesn't have to deal with numbers the code can't hold.

  2. It's actually a particular glitch that was fixed long long ago. Back then, if you got going particularly fast, or got particularly far from Kerbin, especially with large ships, your craft could spontaneously fly apart and explode.

    It took on the name "The Space Kraken" and the name gets applied to all sorts of bugs that destroy ships, but aren't actually the true Kraken.

    And yeah, there's a dead Kraken easter egg that was placed on Bop by the devs to commemorate the fixing of that bug.

  3. Boy am I glad to see where this is going. Hopefully we'll be getting some new science parts with this update, I mean, who doesn't love more science?

    And in reference to the random failure suggestion above, the devs have said that they're opposed to random failures, they want a definitive, fixable reason for something to fail if it does. So you can engineer out issues, rather than just hope they don't happen.

  4. I would like to suggest, to keep lower tech parts similar in style and technological era ,so Early game parts would be at least remotely (or equally) useful in late game (older not always are worse) and let combine different tech level parts smoothly - no early junk+duct taped parts and futuristic at the end making them aesthetically awkward to use together.

    I think they're on the right track already, I mean, look at the MK-I Pod, it's styled like a Mercury capsule, while the MK 1-2 Pod is a more Orion type deal, yet I feel both parts work equally well with the other parts. So personally, I think it's a good idea to give a sense of technological progression in the look of the parts, though I'm not a fan of the idea of duct taped pieces of junk to begin with, so I would just like to see a slight age gap in the parts, not a style gap.

    And I think Mr. Scruffy's got the right idea, personally I doubt that's how it'll be implemented, as it's pretty unorthodox, but I'd say that's a pretty good route to take.

  5. TLDR; I need help with a Hermes type VTHL shuttle.

    In all this time I've had the game I haven't really done all that much with spaceplanes, but with the new SAS and downloading FAR I thought I'd give it a try.

    Anyways, I'm working on a Kliper/Hermes/Dream Chaser type spacecraft, and I'm running into some issues. Whenever I launch one of these on a rocket, it will just flip uncontrollably once I reach about 1000 meters.

    I'm trying to build one with a shorter wingspan, maybe do I can fit it under a fairing, but it can't seem to produce enough lift to keep it's nose up when going less than 2-300 m/s. Canards would surely help, but I'm trying to avoid those.

  6. Well, if this is the end for KW, I'll be sad to see it go, it's one of the few part mods that I really came to enjoy, but if Kyle and Winston have more important things to do then so be it, hopefully someone else can pick up the task of updating this mod though, it'd be a shame to see it fall into disuse and disrepair, it's too good a mod for that.

  7. Wow, that's really fantastic, if something like that was in the store I'd love to buy one! And since you want suggestions, the logo from the "Retro" flag would make a great patch, I think.

    Anyways, keep up the good work, you've got quite the talent!

  8. As Minmus is naturally the second body that most will land on, or at least travel to, it's a pretty important one! Unfortunately it's look hasn't changed at all since it was introduced all the way back in .15, and it's starting to look pretty dated. In that time the game has come a long way, many more bodies were introduced, and most newer bodies have been given multiple art passes and revisions. Minmus however has been left in the dust and has the oldest surface still in the game, so at this point even a minor art pass would help, but a more drastic redesign would probably be for the best, just to keep it on par with the other bodies in the system, especially with the newly redesigned Mun and Kerbin right next door.

    It would be great to see some cracks in the ice lakes like those on Eeloo, and some more varied terrain and possibly coloration all throughout. Maybe even a kilometer or so high tentative atmosphere made of sublimating gasses off the ice lakes, something like that of Pluto or something. Not really enough to affect much of anything I suppose but interesting for science reasons.

    Anyways, those are just my thoughts, I'd love to hear any ideas anyone else might have on Minmus though.

  9. I pretty much entirely agree with what Nova said. Though it's indisputably an improvement. Also from what I've been seeing in the stream, the pictures that Harv posted look a bit outdated, or maybe I've just been seeing different angles and lighting? It does look really great both from orbit and on the surface from what I'm seeing though.

  10. I would personally love to see the beginnings of robotic exploration in the game, satellites, probes, rovers, etc.

    Another thing that probably goes without saying is docking, but honestly I don't care how long that takes, as I'd like to see it done right, not just something that's slapped together so quickly that it spawns another space-tentacle monster.

    Whatever it is the Devs decide to do for this one, I'm sure it won't disappoint.

  11. Yeah, they're all dead because of the switch to vBulletin, and the fact that this thread hasn't been updated for months.

    Also, yes that was said before, exactly one page prior to this one. Make sure you do a little looking before you ask a question, I'm not trying to be rude or anything, but that could certainly get on some forum goers nerves, and you'll likely not get an answer.

  12. is some kind of mapping/surveying going to be implemented. Otherwise whats the point of a planet we can't land on (lava)

    I doubt that the lava planet will be entirely made of lava, actually if I remember correctly it's actually going to be tidally locked to Kerbol so that one side is going to be mostly molten while the other is in darkness, and thus much cooler.

    As for mapping modules, it's not in the update features list so I wouldn't count on it.

    However there is a great mod that does just that, the ISA mapsat mod. I'm too lazy to provide a link to it, so just type ISA mapsat into the searchbar and you'll find it.

    (Though I'm not discounting the fact that mapping would be a great addition to the stock game, that's just not what this topic is about.

  13. When it comes to the gas giant's color, I actually don't mind it. Though I'm generally on the side of realism in these manners, a green gas giant just kinda works for this. Plus it's a nice departure from our own system's color palette. Though I think it will look much better with Nova's planned changes, as it really needs a more banded appearance, (like Jupiter) I think.

    Though I don't really care for adding large continents to the blue moon, having a mostly oceanic world sounds rather appealing. The small islands will make it a challenging landing. You could even say successful landings would only happen once in a blue moon. Wow that was a lame joke, sorry about that.

  14. Sorry, but I don't think that would work. A gas giant in an eliptical orbit passing by the orbit of other planets would likely throw their orbits off at best. If there was an eliptically orbiting body, it would probably be the the desert planet, or Eve, though I assume that the Desert Planet is going to be most people's first interplanetary target, and as such will be like the moon and have a roughly circular orbit with zero inclination.

  15. Update: I just went into the hangar, took off the landing gear placed on the wings, placed them right back on the same spot, and viola, it works just fine.

    I\'ve got no idea what went wrong with it, or anything, but for some reason that\'s all it needed. I\'m amazed I didn\'t think to do that earlier, though.

    But regardless, thank you for all the help!

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