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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. The Waste in Haste Mk. VI is showing promise as a launch platform for this stuff. Unfortunately, given the amount of nuclear waste spilled over the launch area by unsuccessful launches of WiH Mk I through V, I'm not sure this was the optimal method of waste removal, even given the hazardous nature of the cargo.
  2. Here's my attempt. It's a slideshow until the last two stages, so there's enough SAS on it to ensure that it tracks true vertically until I can have a chance to control it. Top observed speed 3732.8 m/s. As an aside, this is the first truly silly rocket I've done in 0.9, and I have to say that without straps, this thing would have exploded/fallen apart/both.
  3. Winglets and other non-engine parts help radiate heat from both solid- and liquid-engines. For my rocket, I put two winglets per engine on any stage with overheating issues.
  4. I managed to get this thing into an irregular orbit last night. After two hours and four full orbits, it appeared that the orbit was degrading by 5-6 meters each rotation, however, as the closest approach was 37.2k, I really didn't have the patience to see how many orbits it would take to finally make re-entry. Nothing but SRBs and a lot of non-standard couplers from wobbly rockets. I did have to add an RCS module in the middle to maintain control though.
  5. An attempt at something vaguely similar to Spaceship One and White Knight. As designed, the Spaceship One portion will (barely) go suborbital. It's controllable, barely, thanks to the RCS module and turning SAS on immediately. Jeb loves it. Uses parts from wobbly_rockets and wing+bomb. What it really needs hardpoints on wings/stabilizers, so you can attach a wing to your wing (yo dawg...) or add some podded engines like White Knight Two. It only really looks like White Knight and Spaceship One after burning off the first two stages. This thing needs a lot of extra thrust to get off the ground vertically.
  6. I'd figure Kerbians more for Gyrojet pistols. Of course the ammo would need to be upgraded with two stages of boosters and an SAS to keep from tumbling...
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