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  1. Anyone else having problems with the most recent version on spaceport? I keep getting an invalid archive with it.
  2. That is just ignoring everything said about NASA so far. NASA can't afford to not use autopilots. If they didn't and something went wrong, humans die. Playing KSP, on the other hand, is risk free. You aren't killing a living thing, you aren't risking your future and you don't have a budget yet. If NASA decided to not bother with planning and just winged it, their reputation would be ruined. They'd lose funding and public support because they were careless. In KSP, you build, plan and fly the mission. If anything goes wrong, you restart and learn from your mistakes. Naturally, this means that people who flew their mission manually have done something more impressive than people who activated the autopilot and watched the mission fly itself. Your only concern is having fun. NASA have real world physics, engineering problems and actually constructing the rocket to worry about. NASA have done so much more to put a man on the moon than you have to put a Kerbal on the mun. It's disrespectful to everyone that died in a test flight or actual mission to suggest that NASA taking precautions to keep people alive is anything like you watching the game fly the rocket. TLDR; NASA have so much more to do than you, so the comparison should not be made. People manually getting to the mun is more impressive than mechjeb getting to the mun.
  3. There is an opponent in challenges. In that case, it would be bad sportsmanship to use it. I thought the discussion was about MechJeb, which includes landing guidance, so it's still relevant.
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