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Posts posted by Aphox

  1. Thanks for this post, I didn't know those options existed. I've been abusing the "Revert" options I think, so I'm going to start over without them.

    What this guy said. I haven't actually played since 0.21, but this news has me about to load up the game right now.

  2. Important Moderation Team Note - Please Read Before Posting

    Sorry about the brief disappearance of the thread, folks--

    This is a highly sensitive topic, and as you all know, we just can't have discussions of political or conspiratorial nature here on the KSP forums. After some discussion among the team, we've decided to drop this thread back in and let discussion continue. However, as stated, this is a sensitive topic. Any and all posts of political or conspiratorial nature will be promptly removed, and repeated posts will be followed with punitive measures.

    You can find the official forum rules here. Check before you post.


    Eyewitnesses report seeing the plane breaking up into two pieces and then it all fell on the ground where it created a fireball.

    That's just the thing; most of what we know right now is 'eyewitness reports' and media of the aftermath. Nobody has any actual evidence of what happened before that flight went down (correct me if I'm wrong). All we can really do is speculate until we have more information.

  3. Steam will automatically update with the 64-bit version, yes. It will be downloaded as a separate executable in your KSP directory, along with the original x86 version. Currently, there is no launch parameter for Steam's Windows client to have it open the x64 by default, so you'll have to set a shortcut or navigate to it manually when you want to use it.

    somewhere i saw a screenshot of the file sizes for the 32bit build, and the 64bit build. the 64bit was about half the size of the 32bit. so whats going to be missing from the 64bit version?

    The x64 executable is about the same size. Nothing's missing. :)

    Please see this article for further questions regarding what .24 will have. Pretty much everything we know is right there.

  4. Sorry, guys. As much as even I love the Doctor, fan-threads were explicitly forbidden last year due to their tendency to become unruly and too wibbley-wobbley to moderate. Please see this thread regarding fan threads for context. For the sake of sticking to our own rules, I'm going to have to close this.

    Hey all,

    After much deliberation in the Moderation Team, we have decided that it's time for the closure of Fan Threads. Unfortunately, as the KSP Community grows, we need to be spending as much time as possible, concentrating on the KSP Community. That means that non-KSP Community threads, especially large ones, can go unmoderated which can lead to many issues.

    Thanks and feel free to PM me any questions you may have.

    Update: This also extends to Chat Threads, much for the same reasons as above. Chat Threads are defined as threads that have no central topic to discuss and revolve around speedy and brief posting. Thanks again.

  5. Seems like that argument is out of the system now, and we can get back on topic. Remember, this isn't a debate forum-- this thread is to talk about BobCat's mod, not argue over why he doesn't have the time to finish it.

    Chill and talk about the mod. :)

  6. Permission You Did Not even Ask.

    You may want to check into what license you use if you want to put restrictions like that on your content. The license for this mod is non-commercial sharealike, which directly allows redistribution under the condition that it's under the same license. You also put it in your OP:


    If you'd like to change that, you may want to take a look at the licensing thread.

  7. One of the staff members responsible for publishing The Daily Kerbal has been gone on vacation, and the others are very busy this week handling the release of ARM and working on 0.24.

    Be patient and keep an eye out on media outlets, the devnotes will be available within the next couple days, at the most.

    The Kerbal Space Program Tumblr and Facebook pages can be found here, and here, respectively.

  8. I like to think of myself as a moderately advanced KSP player, but I've yet to accomplish this task... But I've never actually set out to do it. Landed there, sure, most people have. Never tried a return mission, though. Dat atmosphere.

    Most I've done is land a few "Curiosity" style rovers and drove around a bit admiring the strangely colored sky.

  9. "My stuff isn't floating like I want it."

    "Have you tried adding more large steel structures to the bottom?"

    "Thanks, that worked!"

    I love KSP.

    I can't get over this. This thread's got me laughing out of my chair.

    At the same time though, I think you may have just inspired me to play again. At least until I get frustrated that my VTOLs suck and ragequit.

  10. vBulletin is notoriously awful on mobile platforms. I just picked up my iPhone and couldn't find a way to select a prefix. It's pretty straight-forward and visible on the desktop version, though.

    There's a button at the bottom of the main page (and on the post page, just not the preview) on the mobile that says "Full Site". Hit that and then try. You'll have to play with zooming and scrolling a bit, but that's the only way I can find to get it to work. Good luck.

  11. As much as everyone loves the exchange of ideas alone, this is not the place for it. Please take some time to familiarize yourself with the forum structure and posting etiquette and give content to your future posts.

    You can find the rules here, and the good conduct guide here to get you on track.

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