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Everything posted by casey28xxx

  1. It's got science in it and its fictitious, its Sci-Fi!
  2. Is there any correlation between the Kerbals stupidity level and them letting go of ladders perhaps? I'd like to think so. Anyone tested that out or is it just down to glitchy exiting from the ship or parts around the hatch?
  3. I think it's because of your command pod being attached. Sub assemblies is for saving configs of parts of ships so you can use different command pods/probe bodies with them. If you want to save a complete ship it's just the normal save at the top. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, just only ever used the sub assembly mod and assuming it's pretty much the same thing.
  4. Check out white owl on youtube, last year he had built a similar shuttle using mods. Or check out his thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/26533-White-Owl-s-KSP-Video-Series?
  5. I will be there in spirit! I\'m getting rather excited as the day approaches!
  6. If my own personal experience of being new to the game is anything to go by then most other newbies will have been doing most things manually or at least trying to with varying degrees of success. I started to use mechjeb sparingly to start with, partly so I could learn as I went along after many many failed attempts at either getting into orbits or trying to land on the mun and partly because I don\'t read manuals for most things I try out so was experimenting with its use! As a few have mentioned its a great tool for the mission control players, leaves us free to focus on designing, building and planning out missions to undertake and for the learners, they get to see how the computer does it and hey presto its a learning aid!
  7. I agree with the OP, his game, his way of playing, I use mechjeb too. Why do we all have to be doing it all by hand? For people who might not have the time to sit down to get 'right into it' and do it all manually as their time might be limited it lets them play the game. Perhaps when they have the time to put into their game they get more hands on. Perhaps people get frustrated easily but still enjoy the game, or like me I don\'t get heavily involved into the piloting so much as the organising and designing and thinking ahead as to what i want to do with my game. I take the controls when I want to try something different and experiment...or as I\'m sure we have all experienced, when trying to get Bill Jeb and bob from coming to an untimely death! Anyways why are we debating how to play it anyways...surely its not about how you play it but the fact that you ARE playing it. Anyhooo....how heavy is it and what size rocket would i need to get that into space proper and take it to the mun or further?
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