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  1. Before anyone facedesks at me, I'm a total Arduino noob. I can't upload the code for the LED warning lights, because it claims: KSPIODemo.ino: In function 'void setup()': KSPIODemo:58: error: 'initLEDS' was not declared in this scope KSPIODemo:60: error: 'LEDSAllOff' was not declared in this scope KSPIODemo.ino: In function 'void loop()': KSPIODemo:67: error: 'KSPBoardReceiveData' was not declared in this scope KSPIODemo:71: error: 'Handshake' was not declared in this scope KSPIODemo:74: error: 'Indicators' was not declared in this scope KSPIODemo:87: error: 'LEDSAllOff' was not declared in this scope I have no clue what to do, and I'm amped about this plugin.
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