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Everything posted by fishbord

  1. lol dude i i could see the sas ****ing it up in this pic lol guys sas is good near center of mass
  2. guys i just desined a cev that can dock 16 ships and has djy crewtanks to house any kerrbals. it also has fuel transfer systems and ion drive with kethane refinery so any kethane found can be refined and used as fuel for anyone who wants it!!!!! it also is completely moble so it can travel from planet to planet to planet and back basicly being a shuttle transporting ships and crew. also has the capeibility of being upgraded to suport even more ships crew and fuel makeing it a valued asset just keep in mind the fuel must be restocked and i hope we all can learn to share it and evry once and a while send a cargo ship.
  3. oh and just so wer clear the ring is in orbit and made from 600 flights
  4. dude i had the most F***ing crasy idea last night after i woke upscreaming. a space ring around the mun useing mcjeb robotics ITS EPIC AND ... i forgot the the rest but if you want to know more pm me oh and im kinda alittal slow due to whut i think is a stroke... :\'(
  5. ok if anyone needs help or my plugins list or a ship just ask
  6. inflatable crew quorters. ways almost nothing but is highly expencive and fragle. it culd be deployed from something as small as an rcs tank to be 2X the size of your largeist modual.
  7. so far i have devised sevral difrent ways to put together a space station with parts found in every mod pack that i liked the looks of. so far i have come up with many epic features useng the most overcomplex sereys of parts sutch as a claw intch worm thing that atachis it self to the side of a modual befor lift off. after liftoff it can move it self around the station as kind of a mobile claw thingy. i will post ships, mods, and ideas for anyone who needs help and i hope many of you do the same. :probe: :probe: :probe: :probe:
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