Hi, i love this plugin because i think a life support is currently big lack of KSP. I just started to make more fancy parts for storing, creating etc..... I have some questions: 1) can i have permission to continue? (question for original autor) 2) is there a interes for my parts? 3) can author help me with creating of parts, i am absolute newbie with creating a parts (just good blender artist). This is a photosynthesis module. * contains 8 tubes with special alga "Algae Kerbae" wich makes O2 from CO2 and Light * can create up to 200 units of Oxygen_TAC per day when fully sun illuminated (for 8 kerbalans) * contains also artificial lighting wich helps witch produce enough light for 50% of performance when module is in dark but consume lot of energy (maybe about 300 units/min) or add 25% of performance. this is just desired features for this module, nothing works now, i just need some help Well i want to make some other modules like half size of photosynthesis module, water cleaning module in vary sizes (consume energy and waste water => produce water), orbital garden module (consumes lot of energy and waste => produces food). Well.... maybe there is more posibilities to enchance TAC life support.... for example, harvesting sources on planets (water one leythe), then from water can be produced oxygen and monopropelant (in real on ISS is produced oxygen from water and waste product is H2 wich can be used as propelant). Chears, Jan (sorry about my horrible english)