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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Jalopy Mk1 After a few tweaks and a complete redesign: Jalopy Mk2 Both are completely stock 0.19 (I think) Going to see what new designs I can come up with
  2. If you guys have PowerTech mod and would like 8 satellites in geosynched orbit at 45 degrees apart, take this: { pid = 68aad3b6ac794904b8ed2679293ab1c0 name = PowerSat Satellite Geosynch 1 sit = ORBITING landed = False landedAt = splashed = False met = 100.339997757226 lct = 22868.687808533 root = 0 lat = 90 lon = 0 alt = 0 hgt = -1 nrm = -1.835091E-06,-0.9999986,-0.001777759 rot = -0.4842044,0.483028,-0.5160213,0.5157056 CoM = 0,0,0 stg = 0 prst = False ORBIT { SMA = 3468400 ECC = 0.00005 INC = 0 LPE = 0 LAN = 0 MNA = 0 EPH = 0 REF = 1 OBJ = 0 } PART { name = PowerSat uid = 4294886012 parent = 0 position = 0,0,0 rotation = 0,0,0,1 mirror = 1,1,1 istg = 1 dstg = 1 sqor = 1 sidx = 0 attm = 0 srfN = None, -1 attN = None, -1 attN = None, -1 mass = 1.4 temp = 226.9565 expt = 0.5 state = 1 connected = True attached = False SatState = 3, INT panelDeployState = 1, FLOAT panelRotateState = 0.8229489, FLOAT attitudeLocked = True, BOOL showAsActiveVessel = True, BOOL } } VESSEL { pid = 68aad3b6ac794904b8ed2679293ab1c0 name = PowerSat Satellite Geosynch 2 sit = ORBITING landed = False landedAt = splashed = False met = 100.339997757226 lct = 22868.687808533 root = 0 lat = 90 lon = 0 alt = 0 hgt = -1 nrm = -1.835091E-06,-0.9999986,-0.001777759 rot = -0.4842044,0.483028,-0.5160213,0.5157056 CoM = 0,0,0 stg = 0 prst = False ORBIT { SMA = 3468400 ECC = 0.00005 INC = 0 LPE = 0 LAN = 0 MNA = 0 EPH = 2699.78 REF = 1 OBJ = 0 } PART { name = PowerSat uid = 4294886012 parent = 0 position = 0,0,0 rotation = 0,0,0,1 mirror = 1,1,1 istg = 1 dstg = 1 sqor = 1 sidx = 0 attm = 0 srfN = None, -1 attN = None, -1 attN = None, -1 mass = 1.4 temp = 226.9565 expt = 0.5 state = 1 connected = True attached = False SatState = 3, INT panelDeployState = 1, FLOAT panelRotateState = 0.8229489, FLOAT attitudeLocked = True, BOOL showAsActiveVessel = True, BOOL } } VESSEL { pid = 68aad3b6ac794904b8ed2679293ab1c0 name = PowerSat Satellite Geosynch 3 sit = ORBITING landed = False landedAt = splashed = False met = 100.339997757226 lct = 22868.687808533 root = 0 lat = 90 lon = 0 alt = 0 hgt = -1 nrm = -1.835091E-06,-0.9999986,-0.001777759 rot = -0.4842044,0.483028,-0.5160213,0.5157056 CoM = 0,0,0 stg = 0 prst = False ORBIT { SMA = 3468400 ECC = 0.00005 INC = 0 LPE = 0 LAN = 0 MNA = 0 EPH = 5399.56 REF = 1 OBJ = 0 } PART { name = PowerSat uid = 4294886012 parent = 0 position = 0,0,0 rotation = 0,0,0,1 mirror = 1,1,1 istg = 1 dstg = 1 sqor = 1 sidx = 0 attm = 0 srfN = None, -1 attN = None, -1 attN = None, -1 mass = 1.4 temp = 226.9565 expt = 0.5 state = 1 connected = True attached = False SatState = 3, INT panelDeployState = 1, FLOAT panelRotateState = 0.8229489, FLOAT attitudeLocked = True, BOOL showAsActiveVessel = True, BOOL } } VESSEL { pid = 68aad3b6ac794904b8ed2679293ab1c0 name = PowerSat Satellite Geosynch 4 sit = ORBITING landed = False landedAt = splashed = False met = 100.339997757226 lct = 22868.687808533 root = 0 lat = 90 lon = 0 alt = 0 hgt = -1 nrm = -1.835091E-06,-0.9999986,-0.001777759 rot = -0.4842044,0.483028,-0.5160213,0.5157056 CoM = 0,0,0 stg = 0 prst = False ORBIT { SMA = 3468400 ECC = 0.00005 INC = 0 LPE = 0 LAN = 0 MNA = 0 EPH = 8099.34 REF = 1 OBJ = 0 } PART { name = PowerSat uid = 4294886012 parent = 0 position = 0,0,0 rotation = 0,0,0,1 mirror = 1,1,1 istg = 1 dstg = 1 sqor = 1 sidx = 0 attm = 0 srfN = None, -1 attN = None, -1 attN = None, -1 mass = 1.4 temp = 226.9565 expt = 0.5 state = 1 connected = True attached = False SatState = 3, INT panelDeployState = 1, FLOAT panelRotateState = 0.8229489, FLOAT attitudeLocked = True, BOOL showAsActiveVessel = True, BOOL } } VESSEL { pid = 68aad3b6ac794904b8ed2679293ab1c0 name = PowerSat Satellite Geosynch 5 sit = ORBITING landed = False landedAt = splashed = False met = 100.339997757226 lct = 22868.687808533 root = 0 lat = 90 lon = 0 alt = 0 hgt = -1 nrm = -1.835091E-06,-0.9999986,-0.001777759 rot = -0.4842044,0.483028,-0.5160213,0.5157056 CoM = 0,0,0 stg = 0 prst = False ORBIT { SMA = 3468400 ECC = 0.00005 INC = 0 LPE = 0 LAN = 0 MNA = 0 EPH = 10799.12 REF = 1 OBJ = 0 } PART { name = PowerSat uid = 4294886012 parent = 0 position = 0,0,0 rotation = 0,0,0,1 mirror = 1,1,1 istg = 1 dstg = 1 sqor = 1 sidx = 0 attm = 0 srfN = None, -1 attN = None, -1 attN = None, -1 mass = 1.4 temp = 226.9565 expt = 0.5 state = 1 connected = True attached = False SatState = 3, INT panelDeployState = 1, FLOAT panelRotateState = 0.8229489, FLOAT attitudeLocked = True, BOOL showAsActiveVessel = True, BOOL } } VESSEL { pid = 68aad3b6ac794904b8ed2679293ab1c0 name = PowerSat Satellite Geosynch 6 sit = ORBITING landed = False landedAt = splashed = False met = 100.339997757226 lct = 22868.687808533 root = 0 lat = 90 lon = 0 alt = 0 hgt = -1 nrm = -1.835091E-06,-0.9999986,-0.001777759 rot = -0.4842044,0.483028,-0.5160213,0.5157056 CoM = 0,0,0 stg = 0 prst = False ORBIT { SMA = 3468400 ECC = 0.00005 INC = 0 LPE = 0 LAN = 0 MNA = 0 EPH = 13498.9 REF = 1 OBJ = 0 } PART { name = PowerSat uid = 4294886012 parent = 0 position = 0,0,0 rotation = 0,0,0,1 mirror = 1,1,1 istg = 1 dstg = 1 sqor = 1 sidx = 0 attm = 0 srfN = None, -1 attN = None, -1 attN = None, -1 mass = 1.4 temp = 226.9565 expt = 0.5 state = 1 connected = True attached = False SatState = 3, INT panelDeployState = 1, FLOAT panelRotateState = 0.8229489, FLOAT attitudeLocked = True, BOOL showAsActiveVessel = True, BOOL } } VESSEL { pid = 68aad3b6ac794904b8ed2679293ab1c0 name = PowerSat Satellite Geosynch 7 sit = ORBITING landed = False landedAt = splashed = False met = 100.339997757226 lct = 22868.687808533 root = 0 lat = 90 lon = 0 alt = 0 hgt = -1 nrm = -1.835091E-06,-0.9999986,-0.001777759 rot = -0.4842044,0.483028,-0.5160213,0.5157056 CoM = 0,0,0 stg = 0 prst = False ORBIT { SMA = 3468400 ECC = 0.00005 INC = 0 LPE = 0 LAN = 0 MNA = 0 EPH = 16198.68 REF = 1 OBJ = 0 } PART { name = PowerSat uid = 4294886012 parent = 0 position = 0,0,0 rotation = 0,0,0,1 mirror = 1,1,1 istg = 1 dstg = 1 sqor = 1 sidx = 0 attm = 0 srfN = None, -1 attN = None, -1 attN = None, -1 mass = 1.4 temp = 226.9565 expt = 0.5 state = 1 connected = True attached = False SatState = 3, INT panelDeployState = 1, FLOAT panelRotateState = 0.8229489, FLOAT attitudeLocked = True, BOOL showAsActiveVessel = True, BOOL } } VESSEL { pid = 68aad3b6ac794904b8ed2679293ab1c0 name = PowerSat Satellite Geosynch 8 sit = ORBITING landed = False landedAt = splashed = False met = 100.339997757226 lct = 22868.687808533 root = 0 lat = 90 lon = 0 alt = 0 hgt = -1 nrm = -1.835091E-06,-0.9999986,-0.001777759 rot = -0.4842044,0.483028,-0.5160213,0.5157056 CoM = 0,0,0 stg = 0 prst = False ORBIT { SMA = 3468400 ECC = 0.00005 INC = 0 LPE = 0 LAN = 0 MNA = 0 EPH = 18898.46 REF = 1 OBJ = 0 } PART { name = PowerSat uid = 4294886012 parent = 0 position = 0,0,0 rotation = 0,0,0,1 mirror = 1,1,1 istg = 1 dstg = 1 sqor = 1 sidx = 0 attm = 0 srfN = None, -1 attN = None, -1 attN = None, -1 mass = 1.4 temp = 226.9565 expt = 0.5 state = 1 connected = True attached = False SatState = 3, INT panelDeployState = 1, FLOAT panelRotateState = 0.8229489, FLOAT attitudeLocked = True, BOOL showAsActiveVessel = True, BOOL } }VESSEL
  3. Cut out the escape velocity part of the challenge and leave it as any eccentric orbit - that makes it a better challenge. That way you can\'t just fly straight up with a few SAS modules. Think I may have a ship that manages this, I\'m going to test it.
  4. It's not possible to get an upside-down model for that Retro Rocket module? I tried myself but fail at modeling, and Milkshape doesn't import .DAE for a quick rotate fix. Basically, I'm after something like 3.30 in this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3Dryr977yjdr0 I've got the CFG working, just looks funny when the rockets are facing the wrong way.
  5. At the moment, it's how the game is actually coded to use fuel, he's thinking of a fix I believe.
  6. It doesn't really go into details about what visual FX there are to choose from, in relation to colour of smoke trail sizes. From what I see looking at parts, there's just yellow and blue, with light and medium trails - anyone know of other colours or if there's a heavy trail? I'll edit it around and see if anything else works.
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