Spent quite a few hours building my spacestation and putting it into a 129.9km~ circular orbit. Space Station: http://i.imgur.com/oicF8.png (for full res) Then the hard part began, matching orbits, speeds and distance... This took quite awhile for me, but I managed to end up roughly 200m away from the station. Unfortunately my 'claws' hit some of the parachutes I added to balance the craft out. which caused some issues, but after awhile I managed to resolve the problem. (no pic) Once in approximate position, the even harder part started... trying to get into position to dock. (no pic) After a the while, I managed to successfully dock using the crafts landing-gear claws. Successfully docked: http://i.imgur.com/wiaXB.jpg (for full res) Unfortunately after I loaded the game right after, the claws effect were canceled, causing an undock. can\'t wait for 'strafe' thrusters and real docking functions!