Because spoilers are dead it takes about 5 hours to sort out every patch and I don't actually have the energy or time to do this anymore because I have so many things to do and so little time to sort it out. I'm sorry It's disappointing I know but it's not going to be possible for at least 2 months.
Hey Alilong, thanks for maintaining your mod list. I understand that it's probably not the most exciting thing to do in the world but it's very helpful and I think I speak for all of the community in expressing my gratitude.
Oh come on people even with my working mods list you still necro-bump!? I mean February? thats what 7 months since the last post? wow that is actually impressive.
Thread update inbound EDIT: yeah the editor crashed along with about 1 1/2 hours of work. I'll do it tommorow because I want to throw someting EDIT 2:First installment of updates complete work will commence this evening so expect changes 17:01 GMT