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Everything posted by tigris

  1. Thank you so much! it works! now i see 1% if "Regolith Biome Lock" turned on and 0.XX% if "Regolith Biome Lock" turned off i use little rover close at KSC, with drill. must be 0.91% of karbonite, but drill can't find something. I push "Start" and it stop with "nothing to harvest" i try use "Portable karbonite sample kit", push button and i can't understand what's happened after that...? No button anymore, no visible changes on Big map... http://imgur.com/m3Em0Q7 http://imgur.com/TU6B1ma http://imgur.com/INBYzYv i try read manual at https://github.com/S-C-A-N/SCANsat but i can't find information about "sample kit" and i can't understood what's happend when i turn on or turn off "Regolith Biome Lock"(( Can somebody help me, explain how it works og link to newest manual? Thank you!
  2. I'm sorry, may be stupid question but really can't find information about my problem i try scan Karbonite at Kerbin. Open big map, select karbonite, and i see 100% of karbonite everywhere http://i.imgur.com/zdOTMrV.jpg
  3. Light Rover. Designed for escape operation. Succesfully 14km for Mun surface.
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