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Everything posted by Liarean

  1. There are stickies in the modeling and texturing section. I suggest you have a look at the complete blender tutorial there first. Its a excellent tutorial for beginners to KSP modding. In case you're incapable to find the sticky on top of the page here is a link ;D http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/3730-The-COMPLETE-KSP-Blender-Tutorial%21-Video-Back%21
  2. There is no complete tutorial for modeling and texturing including unity. As for the modeling and texturing part. It isn't done in unity. Unity is the game engine KSP uses not the program with which the models and textures are made. Second there isn't a single tutorial possible for modeling and texturing because there are loads of programs for that. Most popular for modeling are for example: Blender 3Ds Max Blender is a free modeling program and most people use it. There is a full modeling tutorial available as a sticky in this section (look at the top) As for 3ds Max (the program I use) it isn't a free program and is rather expensive. A few thousand dollar if I remember correctly. I use a student version since I'm a game design student. If you're a student you might get acces to the program too. In my opinion it's a bit easier then blender but thats just personal opinion. For the textures most people use photoshop or similair programs to make the textures and you need to understand uv maps to make good textures for models. As for modeling basics its best to look for a tutorial outside the ksp forums to look up on the basics of the program you want. A quick google search with the search terms: "blender basics tutorial" or "3ds max basics tutorial" will give you loads of results with tutorials on the basics. Stuff like uv mapping is a bit more advanced and you will need to be able make a proper correct model or else you will still get problems. I would advice you to try blender as its free and there are alot of tutorials available. Just look up a basic tutorial and do some more tutorials and then experiment a bit with models and such. Take it slow and easy or else you might get demotivated or run into trouble with your models later on. Practice is the key with stuff like this.(modelling and texturing) As for configuration of the parts you can look here and then try to edit a few parts and see what everything does. Part configuration tutorial: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/~kerbalsp/wiki/index.php?title=CFG_File_Documentation
  3. Now since I myself never use blender ain't have to much information on the program itself. First off I instantly noticed something about your viewport. It seems you're in orthographic view and if there's one thing that was learned to me from the beginning that was not to use orthographic view becuase it does some strange things. Stick to perspective and you won't encounter certain problems. Second the standard for cylindric parts in KSP is 18 sides if I remember correctly. You can change that in the quantity you want but remember: More poly's = Slower performance For example with 18 sides you will be fine mostly. At least it always look fine with my parts and for attaching the fuel lines that I don't know since in every program it's different. In 3ds max a "attach" command is used. As for the uv map. I don't know if this is the same with blender but in 3ds max I can set how big the resolution is of the uv map when exporting it. Also note that a bigger resolution causes the performance to be slower then a lower resolution. Same as the polygon thing. Stick to these sizes for the textures: > 128 (not sure) > 256 > 512 > 1024 As for the answer to: "where do you guys get your textures for the rockets from?" It's rather simple. They make them themselves or a teammate makes them. It is possible to use photo's and such but that doesn't fit the game and still requires a large amount of editing to make it fit nice on the model. Some people make them from scratch but there are also people like me that use photos as a reference or base. And there isn't a repository or something like that because every texture has a unique fit on a model. A texture from an uv map from another model doesn't fit correctly without editing on a different model because of the difference in the uv map. And indeed some people work in teams and have someone to make textures for them but it can also be done alone. I work alone so I can practice on the most things in a single project. I do my own models, textures, scripts and uv mapping is just part of the modelling. Hope it helps a bit and sorry for my english since its not my native language. Just ask me if you have a question with modelling or texturing. I can help 90% of the time ;D
  4. KSP uses .dae files for the meshes. It's compatible with most popular programs. For example the free modelling program blender but also 3ds max. 3Ds max needs a plug-in to be able to export to .dae or to import it. I myself mostly use 3Ds max 2013 as I'm a game design student and that program is the one we mostly use and in my opinion is the easiest.
  5. Like NIN3 said there isn't an configuration file. Make one (see the documentation on part.cfg) and create map named textures in the folder where your model.dae is. Put the texture in the textures folder and include the texture name including the file extension at the "texture =" line. That should make the texture work otherwise you probably did something else wrong.
  6. Size isn't working anymore in 0.16 Atleast not for me. The game only accepts 6 values so I guess the 7th(size) is gone since the game doesn't load the part when a value is tried. May just be on my end but it's possible they removed it because it was not too usefull or they did something else to compensate or improve. As I said it may be only at my game but as far as I know the game only accepts : xpos, ypos, zpos, xrot, yrot, zrot
  7. Looks nice but what I would recommend is that you make a category page for when you click on database. Have a look at the nexus mod sites they have a good overview of all categories in a nice list and it's easy to add more that list and keep the category list organized. Each category brings up a new page with the corresponding mods and various data at which you can rank the mods for example download count descending/ascending. I can ask a few friends of mine for more advice since they are web designers and do stuff like this all the time. Your idea looks cool too but I'm afraid people will lose the overview of the pages when a lot of mods are being added. Still great work ;D
  8. That did it. Already said it would be a dumb mistake on my side in the part.cfg ;D Thanks for the help
  9. I'm working on a few command pods too. They will not be released any time soon though since I first want to fix and change my current part pack which will take some time I think.
  10. I see. Only solution I know of is individual placement. Which is a pain in the ass btw. I've had the same problem multiple times too and in those cases I did what sal_vager said just place them individual. There isn't a other solution for it maybe make one ourself ;D
  11. Tried it no luck. It's still the same. Also when I select the part it doesn't show any nodes not even the ones on the vanilla parts already in the scene while when I take a vanilla part I can just place it fine on those vanilla parts with the nodes showing. It's like the game doesn't recognize that the part has nodes. Still the nodes are in the part.cfg. It's just like it's being ignored by the game.
  12. You can use the AWSD and Q and E keys to rotate parts how you want. Sometimes it's a bit of a fiddle but most of the time you will be able to get it fine that way. In this case just double tap a or q and it will be fine I think.
  13. Added the part.cfg to thread. Sorry about that completely forgot it And it would be weird that my scale is off because I double checked it with the tutorial info. Also xforms are only when you use the transform tool in 3ds max if I remember correctly. I also tried finding node points by using vertexes to get the cordinates. Same problem. In the meanwhile I'm going to fiddle some more with it. Edit: I just tried resetting the xform just to be sure but it didn't make any difference. I think it's something in the part.cfg that I have wrong since the game loads the parts just fine only thing is they won't work properly.
  14. By attaching one object to another it makes it as one. Elements are still apart from eachother so when you use elemt selection mode you can still select both (previously) objects seperately. So they both are still seperately selectable.
  15. It looks nice. Won't be able to test it at the moment since I'm trying to fix my own problems with my parts. As for textures maybe a bit more variation to make it more interesting. Not saying it's necessary but personally I think it makes it a bit nicer and interesting. Still great job on the rocket. ;D My parts load but the nodes don't work :\
  16. So I'm new here and I've been playing KSP for a while now and thought by myself why won't I start making parts too. Great for me because I'm a 3D art student for games and this way I can improve my modelling and texturing skills a bit. Now everything is going okay for the modelling and such not texturing since I was planning to do that when Everything works. The game loads my parts and everything and they show up in-game without textures like expected. (since there aren't any yet) Now with use of the tool for getting the node locations I specified the nodes in the parts.cfg. Still when I start the game and try to place the nodes it doesn't show up. Everything works except for the nodes so I can't place them. It's like the game just ignores the nodes. So my question is: Does any of you know how I can get the nodes to work? (I already searched on the forum and couldn't find any other threads like this and the answer is probably obvious and I'm probably just dumb ) // Kerbal Space Program - Configuration file // Freighter Engine // // --- general parameters --- name = FreighterEngine module = LiquidEngine author = KSF // --- asset parameters --- mesh = engine.dae scale = 1 texture = specPower = 0.5 rimFalloff = 3 alphaCutoff = 0 // --- node definitions --- node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.0, -0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 // --- FX definitions --- fx_exhaustFlame_blue = -0.00311981, -0.0876073, 1.5322, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, active fx_exhaustLight_blue = -0.00311981, -0.0876073, 1.5322, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, active // --- Sound FX definition --- sound_vent_medium = activate sound_rocket_hard = active sound_vent_soft = deactivate // --- Editor parameters --- cost = 450 category = 0 subcategory = 0 title = Freighter Engine manufacturer = Kerbal Space Freighters description = Kerbals won't forget the engines right? // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision 1,0,0,0,0 // --- standard part parameters --- mass = 1.5 dragModelType = default maximum_drag = 0.4 minimum_drag = 0.2 angularDrag = 0.2 crashTolerance = 5 maxTemp = 2500 // --- specific part parameters --- maxThrust = 500 minThrust = 0 heatProduction = 360 fuelConsumption = 2
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