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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Will the in-cockpit view be part of a more general inside view? Will we be able to walk around anywhere in a kerbal 1st person view? Are you planning on using the catwalk on the launch tower to have the pilots walk into the cockpit before takeoff?
  2. 'Lithobraking' Now that\'s a great word 8)
  3. Bill has transcended into a parallel universe where the insides of planets are actually the outsides. From our perspective he appears to be on an escape trajectory out of the sun, but in the parallel universe he is actually on a sub orbital trajectory, just as the all-knowing tracking center reports. Since he fell through the surface of Mun, he is probably falling back towards the surface of the parallel moon. which may just be called Moon....
  4. Stogas, Whoa, that is an awesome research station! Nolimit, I\'m looking forward to trying your challenge. But I suck at orbit rendezvous
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