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Posts posted by Techavon

  1. I have a few questions/requests. I really just want to know if these things are possible. If you get it in your head to actually implement any of this, so much the better.

    1: Would it be possible or difficult to add a feature that permits remote control of Romfarer's Lazor Cams? Telemachus has a system in place for sending remote commands already, I feel like it might not be too much more of a step to add such a feature.

    2: Would it be at all possible to isolate the lazor cam views from the overall screen, and stream JUST those to another computer?

    Reason I ask, is I'm trying to set up a simulated Mission Control with several friends, with Telemachus obviously being the centerpiece. It would increase immersion ten-fold if we had a view of the launch up on screen from on-board cameras, in addition to all the charts and other tools being displayed up on screen, similar to what real life launches have.

    3: An unrelated question. Is there a way to use Telemachus to view the fuel levels of specific stages, rather than just the overall fuel?

    Edit: I know there are likely a LOT more pressing things on the to-do list, but as I said I would really just like to know if these things would even be possible to implement, given the limitations of KSP.

  2. Yet more assumptions....this is moot point...all you people screaming 'cheater' do is make assumptions as to HOW people use MechJeb...so have fun being wrong =)

    Opinions are ok...assumptions you try and pass as fact...not ok....

    Enlighten us.

    How exactly do people use MJ?

  3. Following your line of logic sir we should all stop praising NASA and other space agencys for their accomplishments, since they ALL used flight assistance systems...

    Are you seriously back to this? In spite of the "NASA uses mechjeb" argument being thoroughly addressed already, I'll make another point.

    Consider this real life scenario:

    During the Apollo 11 Moon landing, Armstrong took direct control of the lander, because it was landing them in an undesirable spot. He manually landed the craft.

    Had he NOT done that, and had the computer landed the craft, landing on the Moon would've still been an enormous accomplishment. However, in light of the fact that the last moments were done manually, the achievement is significantly more impressive.

    Similarly, if a person builds a rocket and uses mechjeb to launch and land it on the Mun for them, they may feel a sense of accomplishment.

    However, the person who built and landed a craft 100% manually, is in no way obliged to accept the first persons accomplishment as impressive.

    Furthermore, this is a videogame, not a real life space program with billions of dollars being poured into developing computers that can pilot the most complex machines ever built. It is a game, and in games, your achievements are measured by your personal effort and skill. Using an addon to perform a significant portion of the game for you constitutes a cheat.

    Again, as it's a single player game there is nothing inherently wrong with cheating. It doesn't detract from the enjoyment of others if you cheat. Just don't expect everyone else to assign legitimacy to your achievements when you do cheat.

  4. How is this even a question?

    Yes, mechjeb is cheating. However, as has been stated, it's a single player game. When you cheat in KSP, you aren't treading on another persons enjoyment of the game. If you are still having fun, then by all means, go ahead. No one minds if, for instance, you turn on infinite fuel to play around with your rocket.

    Where the problem arises, is when people insist that MechJeb doesn't take away somewhat from an achievement. If a particularly impressive landing is accomplished through the use of MechJeb, and the exact same landing is accomplished by another person without it, it's absurd not to recognize that the first person had a significant advantage not available in the stock game. Under those circumstances, it's obvious that the first person could be considered to have used a cheat. This doesn't detract from that persons enjoyment of the game, but it is perfectly within the second persons rights to point out that the achievement is less impressive than his own.

  5. Update: I designed a long bus with SRBs aimed at each crew tank. Much faster and more efficient than the rocket I was using.

    Things are coming along nicely.

    I feel that, once I've accumulated a satisfactory breed of Kerbals, I'll be much more attached to them, considering the work I did to acquire them.

    No longer will I build insane death traps and carelessly throw away the lives of my astronauts.

    No. This is a new breed of Kerbal. One whose lives the nation will cherish and protect.

    There will be unmanned versions of every mission, to ensure safety and reliability as much as possible before we risk the lives of these brave, intelligent men.

    Edit: Unfortunately, the original three were deemed unfit for duty. However, due to their contributions, it was decided that they would be exiled, rather than liquidated. They were smuggled off the planet on a craft disguised as a routine unmanned probe. A secret base and memorial of sorts was established on the far side of the Mun, and regular supply drops will be sent. An ignoble life, to be sure, but they will contribute to Munar research (albeit anonymously).

  6. So with the new astronaut management facility, I decided to undertake a eugenics program.

    I go through the roster and any astronaut with low courage or anything more than 1/3 stupidity, I pack into a rocket and fly it into the ocean.

    Then, I go to the training facility, recruit all the available kerbals, and rinse/repeat.

    I'm starting to accumulate a pretty good population of brave, intelligent astronauts.

    Soon, I'll implement more draconian requirements, with the goal of a roster full of astronauts with 100% bravery and 0% stupidity.

    Let this be an urgent call to SQUAD to implement astronaut training ASAP, so that I can employ less brutal methods of recruitment.


  7. I'm very glad to see this. I was wondering how he would be remembered in KSP. This is good, I think. A memorial at the Tranquility landing site, and a Neil Kerman. I'll feel a little twang every time he comes up in the astronaut rotation.

  8. A question to KSP:

    Will you guys please do in the 0.16.1 update set one planet that\'s done from Nova. So we can play and practise landings for if the other planets will come.

    What will be awesome is that KSP will release 0.16.1 on mars landing day with a bonus, the mars like planet.

    I think that\'s an excellent idea, with a very low probability of actually happening. It would be utterly epic if the Mars-like planet were released on the day of the Mars landing.

  9. For now, the implementation of gas giants is preliminary - there\'s no real surface, you just fall until you overheat and explode. Eventually, once we have a cloud system, your view would get more and more fogged up as you descend deeper.

    Excellent post. Confirmation of gas giants and explanation of how they\'re handled. The falling until overheat or explode sounds like an acceptable system for now.

  10. Yes, but even then Pluto was discovered in the 1930s, a good decade or two before the first space program started. Assuming KSP is around the tech level of the Apollo missions, they would\'ve known about pretty much all the planets for a while.

    One other thing I\'d like to see is randomly generated asteroids and comets that generate at a random orbit in the Sun\'s SOI, and if you pass within a distance close enough to see them you get to name them. From there, some would be captured by various SOIs and end up in orbit, while others would just pass straight through the solar system.

    Eh, good point about the planets. I also like the idea of the randomly generated asteroids and comets. So what do you think of that in relation to my idea? Would an observation program be a justified addition to the game in the event that randomly generated objects are added?

  11. Telescopes have existed for a LOOOOOOOOONG time. Even back in ancient Greece and Rome they had a good idea of all of the planets and their orbital paths.

    Of course. I mean, the planets like Mars, Jupiter, Venus, etc. are obviously going to be easily identified by Kerbal scientists. I can\'t imagine though that they would easily identify a tiny planet as far out as Pluto without active searching. Furthermore, if asteroids, comets and the like are ever added I feel something like this would make good sense.

  12. I\'m wondering if all the planets, and their orbital paths will be immediately visible to us. If so, I\'m hoping that changes when campaign mode is introduced. I think it would add a nice dynamic to the game if we had to search for the planets (the ones that aren\'t immediately visible from Kerbin) through telescopes, probes and the like.

    My guess is that its the Mars-like planet, the \'crater\' your seeing is actually a mountain (ie Olympus Mons style), and could potentially be the highest mountain in the kerbal system (now that would be some interesting terrain)

    That was one of my first thoughts as well.

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