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  1. Absolutely beautiful. I was always frustrated with the way that MechJeb ignored SAS modules. Thanks for fixing it!
  2. I've had the same problem. It is a compatibility issue with RemoteTech, not a glitch in MechJeb.
  3. I can't remember if I've posted in this thread before, so brace for incoming mod praise. MechJeb completely changed the game for me in a wonderful way. I'm not particularly talented at math and absolutely awful at manually piloting any kind of vehicles in KSP, but with MechJeb I've visited every body in the solar system that I had any interest in at all. Excellent work, and please keep it up. On another note the manual appears to be somewhat out of date. It hasn't been updated since May, and there have been several new features added since then.
  4. I was kind of skeptical of this mod when I first saw it but I tried it out yesterday and realized it's fantastic. It eliminates the old problem of not being able to tell if your landing site is flat or not without spending all the fuel to come in close, plus makes it a lot more fun to track down artifacts and anomalies. One thing I would like to see added to this would be an "uplink" that doesn't write new map data but allows access to previously gathered data while focused on a vehicle fitted with the uplink. Preferably it would be smaller than the current satellite dish. The use I had in mind was for small anomaly-scouting rovers to be able to locate their targets more easily. EDIT: An uplink should also be more impact-resistant than the dish, so it would be better suited to landers.
  5. Sweet mod, love the probe. Sadly moving it around by rolling doesn't work too well in lower gravity; it tends to kind of flip up into the air.
  6. This mod is freaking awesome. Solid modeling, accessible, and a pretty sweet idea to start with. The latest version is, as far as I can tell, completely functional and I have not observed any bugs. The power nodes don't seem to work, though, which isn't all that surprising given their experimental status. I would like to see them in action, though. Clarification: The power nodes don't seem to fuel liquid engines that are attached to them directly. Double edit: My bad. I misunderstood: I did not realize that a liquid engine on a power node consumes both fuel AND power.
  7. I have noticed this as well. Does your display also indicate the delta-v necessary is 0 m/s? I suspect there is a problem to do with calculating transfers to SoIs with an orbit lower than the current one. You can work around this by lowering your periapsis to just inside the orbit of Eve or Moho, circularizing there, then transferring normally once your orbit is inside the orbit of the target.
  8. I suppose the jetpack would work for re-entering the rover on the Mun or Minmus. My kerbals were being poofed specifically while I was trying to test deployment methods on Kerbin, where the jetpack won't lift them.
  9. Are you referring to the CERN results that suggested neutrinos traveled faster than light? Because that was identified as an instrument problem.
  10. I'm unable to take back control of a DEMV from the tracking station, even if it has a kerbal in it. I tried to fix this by adding a MechJeb pod to the rover, which normally lets you control debris, but that had the effect of disabling all the steering controls. I guess this issue could be avoided by just having your kerbals exit the rover and return to their lander before exiting to the space center but it would be nice to be able to track the DEMV from the tracking station.
  11. Oh...duh. I feel stupid now. Thank you for pointing that out. I had kind of figured that those were based on the cart plugin, but the fact remains that DEMV handles much better than BigTrak, and I intend to use it fully. Great mod!
  12. This is an awesome mod from what I've experienced and is something I've been waiting for for a long time. I've noticed a couple of issues, however; this mod is not fully compatible with MechJeb. You can't launch an unmanned, MechJeb-controlled ship carrying the DEMV---it requires a crew member aboard. I'm also noticing that I have no portraits of the Kerbals inside, so once one of them boards, they can't go EVA again and are basically stuck in the DEMV. The cruise control is a fantastic feature that was and is critically needed in the BigTrak. The physics and the suspension system also make the DEMV delightfully "small-boulder-proof"--it doesn't hit a pebble and go soaring end over end across the Munar surface, like the BigTrak tends to do.
  13. The engines act like they're a lot bigger than their models as far as placement. You have to space them more than their own width apart to attach them. The fuel tanks are also very picky about what they can be attached to radially. Aside from that, cool mod.
  14. I'd like to see some rover parts. Wheels, maybe even tracks? I'd like to build something that won't flip over and explode when it hits a pebble.
  15. Am I reading something incorrectly, or does the latest version not include a handbrake? That should probably be a priority, because without a brake that can be engaged while the player isn't controlling the vehicle, it rolls backward and forward just under the force of kerbals walking across it to go on EVA. Add in trying to jump that little ledge to reach the hatch, and kerbals on EVA can get poofed by colliding with the moving vehicle.
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