During his first attempts to orbit around the planet, astronaut Ronby Kerman ended up stuck orbitting Kerbin in his module Hope I-6 (sixth expedition on this model during project Hope) without any means of return. Thankfully, the Reach project was finally successful with the Reach VI expedition. Halny and Sibgin Kerman managed to replicate almost exactly the orbit of the Hope I-6 module after 4 days of adjusting and correcting. Ronby (starved and exhausted after almost 53 days in space) travelled close to 2.5km using his backpack thrusters to finally grab the ladder of the Reach VI module. Only started playing KSP 2 days ago, didn\'t install any mods, I have the last update (I feel this game is worth 10 times what I paid for it). I actually did this, not to complete the thread\'s challenge, but simple because I actually messed up the Hope I-6 mission (thought I had more fuel, missed my return trajectory). At that point, I had no idea how to control orbits, etc. I thought it would be fun (and a learning experience) to try getting him back. Of course, the orbit being 'random', it was pretty hard to replicate with my limited knowledge. I started reading on orbits, inclination, etc. In the meantime, I ended up doing 6 different models of rocket and trying multiple lifts, orbits and return, while training adjustments and inclination change. I constructed the last model with everything I learned during these last two days of playing, launched it and spent all morning to finally achieve my goal (I actually had to EVA one of the crew before liftoff to make room for Ronby !). Unfortunately, I was so much into the mission (which took me close to 4 hours IRL) that I didn\'t think of recording... Here are some screenshots taken after the module transfer, that\'s all I could get for archiving. Probably one of the most epic experience of my ~26 years of gaming life (I\'m 30 today !), just because of the sheer amount of efforts I put into it, all the learning, the experimenting and finally the rewarding conclusion. Can\'t wait to play more of this game ! The orbits from up close (not at the closest point where I did the transfer, but a bit later). Orbits from a little distance. Other angle. The empty Hope I-6 module, forever orbitting Kerbin. Reach VI, mission accomplished (unless something goes wrong with the parachute !)