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Everything posted by sneezedr424

  1. The question is in the title - Is there a good visual mod list out for 1.4 yet? Any suggestions? I love KSP, and I love making it beautiful, but I know the mods list can change over time, and it's been a while since I've played. So yeah! Thanks in advance! Sneeze
  2. Instructions unclear. Rocket stuck in anus. Please send help.
  3. For the altimeter light: ignore it; I believe it just lets you know if you're falling too fast or something like that. Completely unimportant. For the "-Stage Light", as you call it (actually a pretty good name haha): This light indicates whether or not your craft is currently controllable. If it's green, that means you are good to do whatever you want with your craft. If it's red, your craft is currently uncontrollable. You'll see this when you time warp, or if you run out of power. Hope I helped! Sneeze
  4. The only buttons that actually work are the SAS, Prograde, and Retrograde. Do I unlock these as I progress in career? Or am I missing something?
  5. I guess I should have asked how to calculate the DV a rocket is gonna give me with the station attached to it. For example, if a tank+engine is going to give me 5000 m/s, how much is it going to give me with 27 tons of stuff in front of it? How would I calculate that?
  6. Hi there! I'm creating a station that I want to put in orbit around Duna. I have the thing basically built (need to add non-important things like solar panels as of yet), but my main concern is attaching a rocket to the end of it - well, attaching a big enough rocket. How would I go about finding out how much Delta V I need to accomplish my task? Thanks! [imgur]u1qaa[/imgur] Sneeze
  7. Never mind! I found it! Here it is, so all of my fellow Kerbonauts can enjoy it! http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/86677-0-24-2-StageRecovery-Recover-Funds-from-Dropped-Stages-v1-4-%288-18-14%29
  8. Hi there! I was canoeing through the forums a few weeks ago, and saw a mod that allowed you to recover debris parachuted down from space. I thought: "Oh! That's cool!" and canoed right past it. Now I would like to find it again. Does anyone have an idea about what I saw? Or did Jeb's magic shrooms make me see things again ._. Thanks! Sneeze
  9. Never mind. I found it. Not sure why the Twitch link isn't working though.
  10. Hi there! I cannot seem to access the KSP TV schedule! OH NOES! It says that I do not have the correct permissions to get to the page D: So can someone help me please? Sneeze P.S. Sorry if this is the wrong Forum, I wasn't sure which one to put it on.
  11. Mods used: Mech Jeb (don't hate) I used asparagus staging for the first time with this ship. It worked out really well. I highly recommend using it.
  12. Server is up and running, PM me on steam if its offline; I live in Texas (sneezedr424) Port: 2076 Mods required: MechJeb KAS Fus Tek Station Modules
  13. I have a pretty decent computer. It has 6 Gigs of RAM, and can do pretty much anything I want it to. However, I have been building space stations lately, and my poor computer just can't take it. After 5 or 6 modules, the lag is too much. My question is this: Is there any way to reduce the lag on my computer besides slowing down time in the game? I don't want launches, etc to take forever.
  14. Dave: I think that's exactly what s going on. Thanks!
  15. It may have been, I'll try changing that and get back to you. It has been odd, because it's not the jerky lag I'm used to, it just seems like the game is going in slow motion. EDIT: OK so I looked, and tested, and it's still going on. The regular time rate is one game second for every two seconds in real life. If I accelerate to 2X, then regular time goes on, so I'm just going to have to do all launches with time accelerator.
  16. Hi there. I have just downloaded the new version of KSP. I built a test orbiter, to test the new parameters. However, when I launch, time seems to be running slower than it did in 0.22. Is anyone else getting this? And how can I solve it?
  17. I got the softnose airplanes, and for flying instructions, they talk a lot about AOA, and changing it to X if it is above or below Y
  18. So I know what the angle of attack is, but I do not know how to find out what my current AOA is, or how to change it. Can someone help me with this?
  19. Alrighty! Thank you all for posting such great answers! I will test these out, and I'm sure they will work fine. Sneeze out.
  20. The title pretty much says it all. I'm extremely new to SSTOs, and I have flight instructions for a mod I got. The instructions say to travel to X altitude at Y degrees pitch. I'm horrible at flying planes, and they get out of control often while I'm trying to keep them set. I know ASAS will keep it in place, but getting to the pitch is the problem. Is there a mod out there that can maintain the pitch by itself? Thanks, Sneeze
  21. I know, but I would like somebody to custom-make it, so everything works perfectly.
  22. Sorry about how nooby this sounds but... could someone with modding expertise make this for me? I will be forever grateful! http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2012/06/mcdonnell-douglas-phase-b-12-man-space-station-1970/
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