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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Update: i found out that it is possible in stock to do it, with the airbrakes as they had.......dun dun dun... a yaw button, they just act a little sluggish, but that means i don't have to break my head on learning C# anymore
  2. Good suggestions, but i want to eliminate any vertical control surfaces or using torque from a Sas-wheel, ah well, guess i can always learn to code.
  3. Hi, does anyone know of a way for control surfaces to be bound to an axis? Like, when i press and hold A, the angle in a control surface increases? I hear you say: "don't they do that already?" Well, what i intend for, is to be able to use my pedals to slightly increase the angle on one side of the plane in a gradual way, with 2 control surfaces extending in opposite directions........ much like a B-2 or the decelerons of an A-10..... get where i am going Currently, the only thing control surfaces can do in action groups 1-10 is be normal or toggle all the way, so any insights/ideas would be welcome.
  4. While i can't comment on bugs or whatnot, i have to say, this update is awesome, thanks a lot for the work put in, late night tiredness makes the sound speeding up especially funny
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