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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. I purchased two copies of KSP. I've transferred one of them to Steam. To install the other one, I follow these instructions: https://www.kerbalspaceprogram.com/instructions.php If I click on any of the versions, it takes me to a URL like this: https://kerbalspaceprogram.com/lib/multiplayDwn.php?version=win-0-90-0 And I get a: Not Authorised error. I can't download 0.9, 0.25, or the installer for windows, mac, or linux. I've tried using Firefox and IE and I've tried this on multiple computers with multiple Windows OSes. I exchanged some support e-mail some months ago, without resolution. I was wondering if anyone else had seem similar behavior when trying to download the game manually. Thanks!
  2. Might want to make your staircases ramps. If you look at the official buildings, they just texture ramps to look like staircases. I think with the modeled stairs, Kerbals would get stuck and have to jump up each stair. (Plus, less polys!)
  3. I did some research and found the answer to my question. The problem I tried to describe is commonly called "z-fighting." You can google that term to read more. Basically, when two meshes are co-planar, the render engine doesn't know which mesh to draw, so it picks one. If it picks a different one every few render cycles, you get flickering. "Co-planar" is hard to nail down in a game like KSP because you can zoom anywhere from right against a texture to kilometers away. What was not co-planar within a few meters becomes co-planar at distance, because the range of numbers is limited and becomes coarser. The only solution in this situation is to remove the mesh you don't want to render. So, I'll have some geometry editing to do...
  4. I modeled a hospital for Kerbin City. I don't own one of the blocks, but I put it in place to see how it looked. Still needs some polishing, but let me know what you think! Amongst the other blocks... Up close... Overview (yes, it's shaped like an H so that it stands out)... I'm planning on adding sidewalks, intrablock roads, and parking lots. Probably need to re-scale the doors as well. Is anyone still interested in taking models for inclusion in the overall mod?
  5. I have a question about overlapping meshes in Blender (and then to Unity and KSP). I'm overlapping to add decoration to larger, tiled faces. Specifically, I'm creating buildings for the KerbTown plug-in / Kerbin City. Here's an example where I've overlaid a plane with a door texture on top of a wall that uses a tiled texture (ignore the fact that the door is upside down :-) ): Here's the same situation in another part of the scene where the textures are interfering with one another: I run into two situations with this modeling. Either the meshes are too close together and I get interference from some perspective or distance (rounding in rendering) or I move the overlaid mesh far enough away that there is no texture interference, but it is clear when you get close that there is a gap between the two meshes. Is there a minimum distance of separation to avoid texture interference? (or is there not because the rounding errors vary with distance?) Is the only way to avoid this to make a "cut out" in the underlying mesh and then fit the overlaid mesh in the resulting "hole?" Is there a completely different technique someone could point out to me? Thanks!
  6. There are some absolutely wonderful things in this thread. It inspired me to try contributing something. I've played around with Blender in the past, but this is my first time modeling anything of substance. Here's the story... I was looking at the Kerbin City site and I noticed that where the bay opens to the sea, there appears to be a hazard to navigation! Hey! I can see Kerbin City from here! The lonely keeper at his vigil... The dangerous point at the entrance to Kerbin City bay... Flyby on approach to KC International I based my lighthouse on the Perry Memorial http://www.boatnerd.com/pictures/special/coles/Perry.jpg with my own interpretation. The stripes help it to stand out. I need to shrink the door down (human, not Kerbal sized!) and probably lower the height of the observation deck along with it. I'm pretty happy with it for a first attempt. Please let me know what you think! Constructive criticism is welcome as this is my first try. For those talking about telescopes, I'm planning on building one in the mountains southeast of Kerbin City, about the same distance to my lighthouse (20km or so). I think it would be neat to add a "KCSights" package to Kerbal City including lots of things around the city. I saw someone talking about a windmill farm. Very cool in the water or north of the city. Thanks so much for this mod! I look forward to other's creations.
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