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Dwight Schrute

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Everything posted by Dwight Schrute

  1. I remember when there were no time warp, orbital map, or mun. Without time warp, space felt incredibly wast!
  2. I have mine at 90k as well. Mainly because I want some leeway to 70k. Its nice when you have a space ship rendezvousing and need to catch up to the station to put it in an 80k orbit so that after some time acceleration you'll be at the same position in the orbits.
  3. Chilling on the mun. Kerbal population so far: 9
  4. Really nice! You should replace the images in the first post with the new ones! Hmm! Upon testing it does seem to be a bit unbalanced as it want's to tip over north all the time after launch. Also, the ammount of fuel is very over the top!
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