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Everything posted by lucidLemon

  1. I think a 2D KSP could actually run pretty well, I'd imagine it being similar to and Rocket Robin
  2. Three things I know of may be causing this, rocket size, debris, or an inadequate computer Try going onto the launchpad with just a command pod, and see if the lag persists. Large rockets can be problematic. If it does, then look around you, do you see tons of markers for debris? If you don't, press f4 and check again. If you do see tons of debris, try clearing your persistence file, this will delete every single ship and piece of debris in the process, however. The problem might just come from having an inadequate computer, so be sure to post your computer specs if nothing above helps.
  3. After I fixed what i was doing wrong before, I did the corrections as olex specified, and I landed on Duna! I got that feeling that I had on my first moon landing, I love this game.
  4. I think I must be doing something horribly wrong, because the delta-V that I would have to spend on corrections seems absolutely enormous. The values in parenthesis are the values given to me by the calculator. The picture below was with a phase angle .01 less than the target phase angle (44.36), an ejection angle +/-1 away from the target ejection angle (150.91),10 m/s above the target ejection velocity (3289.2), and altitude 200-500 m above the intended altitude (100 km) All that other junk is the sad total misses that followed trying to raise the apoapsis to match duna's orbit EDIT: Aha! I was going at the ejection angle actually about 60 degrees before the ejection angle I needed
  5. I think I understated the severity of how off course my trajectory is, it's not even close, despite phase and ejection angle and ejection velocity being matched almost perfectly. It's only sending me around halfway the distance between Duna and Kerbin, but it definitely looks like it would intercept if Duna were at the lower altitude section of it's orbit. EDIT: You ninja'd me olex, I hadn't really been able to access most of the forums due to lag. I'll try this out.
  6. Using olex's orbital calculator and a protractor mod, I've managed to line everything up (multiple times) but it seems that Duna's eccentricity is completely throwing off the calculations. When I look at the map, it seems like the intercept could work for when Duna is at the lowest point in it's orbit, but not for any other point. Am I using the calculator incorrectly, and if I'm not, then how do I account for Duna's eccentricity?
  7. I think "shield" needs to be better defined here, to avoid later confusion.
  8. Experimentation so far has yielded me a little over 70 m/s with vanilla (probably even higher) Unfortunately, I couldn't capture just before impact due to lag (I have too much debris around KSC) Does being able to roll around Katamari Damacy style qualify the command pod as "more than dead weight"?
  9. How much mountain goat do you have in you? Your challenge is to land on as steep a slope as possible. Rules -Any parts on your craft need to have an impact tolerance at or under 50 -Mod parts are allowed. -You are allowed to land on any body. -Your craft must land with it's engines pointing down at the ground you've landed on. -It must land intact enough to be capable of taking off after landing. -The landing site must be reasonably flat -MechJeb may be used to reach your target destination, but anything under 3500 meters must be conducted without it's autopilot features. Entries Any entry must contain the following: -An image of the landed ship -The image must display the pitch using the "Surface Information" readout from MechJeb Achievements: Kerbin Lander: Land it on Kerbin Mun Lander: Land it on the Mun Minmus Lander: Land it on Minmus Jeb's Runner Up: Land using SRB's Dedication: Use only stock parts Twins: Land on the same slope as another craft Note: More achievements will be added later (I'm dry on ideas) Leaderboard: Name:------ Pitch:---- Name:------ Pitch:---- Name:------ Pitch:---- Name:------ Pitch:---- Name:------ Pitch:---- Here is MechJeb, the autopilot you need. You can use other plugins if they provide a pitch readout.
  10. True, because three times is a charm. I'd imagine it finally rights itself when they fully deploy, though.
  11. I'm getting in a bunker. To answer your question, not for a long time.
  12. True Pyre, but I think you really have to design the thing from the start with mountain climbing in mind. Lowering it would sacrifice some of it's surveillance ability too. I decided to take a running jump on the mountain, and ended up 1km away. I might make this a competition in the challenges section.
  13. Loving that craft, Pyre. But this, and this, got me thinking. So I built myself a lander to test my thoughts. That's a 40 degree slope.
  14. Don't worry, it's gotten me as well, I ended up posting a slightly broken telescope.
  15. Are you sure that it's the right part? I copy&pasted that from my part file, and it's working fine. But to fix this, try different values for "cameraForward." It determines which way the camera is pointed relative to the part. So one of these should work cameraForward = 1, 0, 0 cameraForward = -1, 0, 0 cameraForward = 0, 0, 1 cameraForward = 0, 0, -1 Close down KSP, replace the number values for cameraForward in the part config with one of these and save the file. Start up KSP. Make a ship with the part, and test it out. Repeat these steps until it works. If your using a single craft to test the telescope part, be sure to delete the old version of the telescope part on the ship and replace it with a new one. Hope this helps.
  16. Shortly after I took this picture, I violently docked with Kerbin, so I'm halfway complete with this challenge.
  17. I might make a telescope with several different zooms, would be pretty useful. I think several slim, stacked parts with cameras far in front of them should work. I'm also experimenting with the satellite parts... Am I doing something wrong?
  18. I finally finished and flew a rover version of my telescope. I was planning to go to the Mun, but an SOI bug sent me to Minmus instead. Also... I wish there were more interesting features to look at with my telescopes.
  19. I'm pretty sure there's a ship called "The accordian" in the spacecraft exchange, I'll hunt it down. ... Found it! http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/17204-Accordion-B-A-experimental-proof-of-concept-Mun-rocket-0-16-MechJeb It's the exact same thing, minus the fins.
  20. I'm not exactly sure, it's just a normal screenshot with KSP's default third person camera. Most PC games have an FOV around 90-ish. For a default FOV, I think deleting the "cameraFOV =" line should do the trick. Here's KSC from about 500 meters
  21. I like that lander. I don't usually keep things in munar orbit, though, the get swept up into solar orbit by a rather annoying bug. To fix the camera, simply go into the telescope's part file, and scroll to the bottom. Where it says "cameraFOV= 5", replace it with "cameraFOV=1" After doing that, you have to restart KSP, and delete whatever camera part you just edited. Replace it with a new version of it from the part's tab. That should fix it. You can experiment with other FOV's, anything above 90 provides a good wide angle view. I use 135 for the probe kit's camera, but lower is probably better. Those two pictures were taken from the same spot, the first was with a camera that had an FOV of 135.
  22. I had the wrong FOV on the telescope I uploaded, the version in the spacecraft exchange is updated. Here's what I plan to send to the Mun next:
  23. Due to a bug, the telescope I was using had a different FOV than the one I uploaded (5 instead of 1), I have fixed it and updated the download file.
  24. The VAB and Tracking station disappear at 20,000m Also, my KSC needs tidying up. You can see the lower resolution map beginning to fade in, I probably should have taken the pictures a bit sooner.
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