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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Yeah, I am thinking about installing KSP on my bro\'s computer so that I can play lag-free vicariously and with mods. (His computer is a gaming spec computer with a 512 MB Card ... or something along those lines.). It is just this lap top is ... decent, but not good -,- . Also ... would C:\Program Files\ Kerbal Space Program work? Or do I have to abbreviate it?
  2. Thanks everyone, I think I can get the thing to work now. To Capt\'n Skunky - I have saved ALL of my Crash files here, Ill only attach the latest two though as trying to sift through all of the other files may be a little bit ... problematic. (I keep all of my crash files in a separate folder whenever I: A. Reinstall the game, B. Update the game or C. Put a boat-load of mods in a fresh KSP.) PS. It may also have to do with the size of my craft. (As I like big space plains ... and I cannot lie. (Couldn\'t help myself ).) (Note: I have a LOT more where that came from, so if you want. Just ask and you shall receive.)
  3. ( WARNING: Major Newb Alert Here. Face palm when necessary.) Yeah. It\'s exactly what it says on the tin, however it isn\'t with installing mods that I am having problems with (I think I got rid of most of the problems that gives the game HUGE Lag problems (Outdated Nova-Punch Pack :\'( ) ). It is with the plugin\'s themselves. The files are overwriting each other again and again >,< ... I don\'t know if you are supposed to give the plug in files themselves there own little file or not, because they always keep overwriting each other if I just drag and drop them in. If someone where to explain how to prevent the plug in\'s from overwriting themselves without going into code\'s. (because I don\'t know code at all >,<) The List of mods I have are as follows. (Ones with overwriting Plugin\'s will have a * beside there name) Damned Aerospace V1.5.2 * Damned Robotics V1.2.1 * Camera Pack V1.1 * (May not use :/) Weights V1.1 TV\'s Bigger Gear\'s V1.1 TV\'s Bigger Wings\'s V1.0 JAWRD Modular Missile Pack V 1.0 JAWRD \'Devestator\' Railgun Pack V 0.3 Gravitsapa (Latest Ver) Novapunch V1.2 Beta (Waiting for a 0.16 compatibility version to be released, as the game always crashed every other time I tried to fly with certain Parts installed on my spacecraft, regardless if the other craft had the parts also installed or not) MuonDectector V 1.2 * KW \'challenger\' Pack V 0.5 Kosmos V4.1 * Yeah ... Those are all the mods I am (Planning) to Install.
  4. Thank you wise Tech-priest, Praise be the Ommasiah. But the information is ... somewhat insufficient, I think <,<. One of the mod\'s I want to install is the Kosmos 4.1 mod that has a few extra bits in it ... do those go into the Plug-in\'s file?
  5. Well ... once more into the breech of introductions. *Coughs in through* Hello, I am Glexen and I had bought KSP and have been playing this game for a while now and I REALLY like it, especially with, even with just stock parts. That there is endless possibility\'s on how to try and get into space ... and an equal amount of possibility\'s of your rockets/space planes exploding >,>. It is the Trial and Error that had interested me in the first place. But alas .... I have a few problems with the game, mainly those concerning lag and mod installation. I have a (Semi) old MacBook Pro (Running a boot camped (but official) Window\'s XP OS that I use for all of my gameing purposes) with a 256Mb Graphic\'s card build in and a 2.4Ghz Dual Core Processor. (And before you ask, Yes, I know that Ksp \'recomends\' you to have a 500 mb graphic\'s card ... but I usually play on lower settings) Even on lowest settings, the Lag is pretty bad and that is before the rockets fire off and all of the debris of my failed attempts is taken into account. It is kinda jarring to me (personally) that I can play Starcraft II and Diablo III with very little to no lag at all (On Med graphics, mind you)... but cant Play Kerbal Space Program without massive amounts of lag. Is there some way to help reduce or eliminate the lag problem\'s that I have? The other problem is with the installing of teh Mods ... as seeing as I am a newb, I really don\'t know how to install them. :-[
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