love the Ausplane, i think it looks like a kerbal design =3 very tough and not much fuel so a nice balanace, cant wait to see kerbal in them and maybe some attachments for it
Good day all! I am Csonic6 and I have finally landed on the MUN! yay!! (was side ways tho o_O) I always read thro the forum but now i landed on Mun I feel i can have a say in a few things like WE NEED MULTIPLAYER NEXT! As soon as i played through .16 and had my Kerbal drift off to Mun with out his ship (oops) i thought 'having other ship/players to interact with would be fun like this... cos then some one could save meeeeeeeee....' Of course the thought 'I\'m in Spaaaaaaaaccccceeeeee' came to mind first =p So i hope to get along with all of you