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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I don't want to stray to far from the original topic, but the OP's problem from vessels that have a large part count is due to the high number of physics calculations, not just the RAM limit. Right now, the real bottleneck of KSP is the CPU. Multi-threading and 64-bit applications would definitely help, but as others have said, very hard to implement. (part of the multi threading problem is the difficulty of coordinating a bunch of physics calculations at the same time on different threads) As for pagefile and virtual ram, I don't know very much, but I just wanted to make sure that we don't forget the other bottleneck's that KSP has.
  2. Me thinks it is a known problem with electricity Do you have ANY batteries on the rover? Sometimes craft with no batteries for electricity don't work as if it needs a buffer for electric charge. Example: Probe has plenty of solar panels but no batteries and runs out of juice while still having sun light. I think the only solution is to redesign it, unfortunately.
  3. I personally don't do pinpoint landings a lot, so don't hold my word to success. My strategy would be to: 1. Launch a vehicle into Kerbin orbit and do a trans-Münar injection. 2. Once in Sphere of influence of the Mün (SOI), burn to put your periapsis into about ~15km. 3. Do a orbital burn to get into orbit around the Mün. 3b. If you landed with any inclination, try to put your orbital path to cross over the lander by increasing or decreasing your heading along the horizon. 4. Once nearly over the lander (only a few km away from cross), retrograde burn (green heading with a cross in it) to deorbit. 5. After getting on a decent course toward your target, land as you normally would. Some notes I have: -Make sure your lander has plenty of fuel, pinpoint landing takes a lot of planning. -Getting the inclination is easier while making Münar burn, not after. -Landing if quite tricky. Try not to overcompensate and throw you on a wayward course. -Good Luck! Pinpoint landing (within the km) is Craaazy Hard!
  4. Wow, a plane that not only works, is really large, can fly for 400km, and has bombs? Something tells me you are a real master rocket scientist! I really want to see what else you can do!
  5. So in laymans terms, LKO = 70km - 161km, MKO = 161km- GKO, and HKO = +GKO. Oh, also GKO = 2,868.4km Thanks for the more than necesary ammount of info, Maro. Kudos as well for putting references! It helps a lot since I am kinda lazy and don\'t wan\'t to do the math.
  6. Is there some common altitude that defines Low Kerbin Orbit? I know 70Km is the lowest a stable orbit that can be achieved and 100km is often the lower end of LKO, but is there a upper end to LKO? Also, are there medium and high kerbin orbit defenitions? I\'ve playing KSP for about a month now and my best guess for LKO is 100Km to about 230km.
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