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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Am I the only one who fails to see any humor in this?
  2. Yeah same thing happens to me. Jeb is still on a mission in Duna but still shows up whenever I launch new rockets.
  3. Wow I never really realized how small Minmus was compared to the Mun! This looks great, you should definitely add the other celestial bodies with the sun being last.
  4. Thank you! I just saw someone's post that was answered on the last page, should've read before posting!
  5. Am I the only one who can't seem to get the ladder of the crewtank to match up with the ladder of the 3-man command module? I tried rotating it with Q and E but it doesn't sync up no matter what.
  6. Yes, but it also states that "The name 'Kerbol' is created by the forum members, it never appears in the game. In the game the star is referred to as 'the Sun.'" Not that I'm against the idea of calling it Kerbol or anything.
  7. Nicely edited video! It was funny watching bad luck and more bad luck befalling poor Bob Kerman.
  8. Aw, it sounds fun and I'd do it, but my Macbook Pro doesn't run the game very smoothly unless I lower the terrain detail and other settings. I also would have no idea how to detect and report bugs..
  9. He's not great at the game, and I'm not either, but it's because of him I found out about this game!
  10. A quick picture I took on the Mun after my first landing with 3 Kerbal capacity CM.
  11. A quick picture I took on the Mun after my first landing with 3 Kerbal capacity CM.
  12. I'm not so sure about this. Minecraft is a simple game that anyone can easily pick and play whereas KSP is more of a simulator that involves a much higher degree of difficulty, for example learning all the parts, how they would fit together to create a successful rocket, and basic orbital maneuvers. It's not that I don't think KSP will be popular, I think it'll definitely be a pretty big game eventually but not on the same level as Minecraft, due to its gameplay catering to gamers of all ages.
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