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Posts posted by Chev

  1. and the magic boulder does not orbit Duna :sticktongue:

    Of course, the tricky thing is, for that screenshot to exist, it doesn't need to orbit Duna at all, just to be on an orbit that gets close to Duna once in a while (in our case on planetary alignments), kinda like a comet.

  2. Could someone tell me what is at south pole Mun anomaly? I am directly above red dot MapSat gave me and I cant see anything.

    The anomaly is at the bottom of a crater and it's pretty small, so it's going to be hard to see

  3. Mine are the first glorious kerbals and Duna since monday - and are stuck there after running out of fuel due to an haphazard launch window and picnic on Ike. But then there was the matter of the rescue team featuring Bill, Bob and Jeb too! So those are hanging out in a module landed on Kerbin so the new rescue team can have different names.

  4. Hello and welcome! I hope you enjoy your newfound space program abilities!

    Regarding the jetpacks, when controlling a kerbanaut you can toggle the jetpack on/off by pressing "r" (or at least that's the default key). You'll see the character deploy the jetpack commands and then you can steer him using the same keys you use to steer the ship and its throttle. It doesn't handle quite like a ship, more like a normal FPS, but you'll quickly get used to it. Just try small maneuvers at first, lest you fly away from the ship. Right-clicking on your kerbal will also show you the remaining jetpack fuel (which recharges when you board the ship again).

    The rovers, like many unusual pieces and functions, are usually made using add-ons. You've probably seen this one. The how to forum has a tutorial on how to install add-ons. If that's not the one, have a look around the add-on forum to find the vehicle of your dreams. That being said, it's also possible, with some patience, to make a rover with the stock pieces, using the plane landing gear. They're a bit more explosion-prone than add-on rovers though.

    For the moon, have a look at the orbital mechanics 101 tutorial, it's got a chapter about that that can probably explain it better than me.

  5. I've almost exclusively used Mechjeb-less ships (though not vanilla, I do use things like muon detectors, bigtrak floodlights and the fuel fix) until recently and been able to do precision landings on Mün and Minmus, though not Kerbin (what with the drag). However combined with the engineer redux chip I've found it to be a huge help for quickly testing experimental ship layouts, especially heavy lifters. It's pretty handy to just tell it to fly around and watch instead of having to wonder if the latest explosion was a flaw in your piloting or in the design itself. It does seem to have a few problems with daisy chain/asparagus-type staging though, and will happily collide right into the side tanks while they're dropping.

  6. How can I manipulate individual landing legs? For example for ladders I can search the parts tree for RetractableLadder partmodules and either call Extend()/Retract() or SendMessage("Extend")/SendMessage("Retract"), and that works fine. However, for ModuleAnimatorLandingGear, SendMessage("InputGearToggle") doesn't seem to do anything. Or should I somehow manipulate a HLandingLeg directly?

  7. Hello, I'm Chev

    I discovered and purchased KSP near the end of June and it's exactly the game I never knew I wished existed. I've been addicted ever since, and after all those weeks I finally started fiddling with the plugin API and so I'm gonna be asking all kinds of technical questions and hopefully making interesting mods.

    Nice to meet you all!

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