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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Reinstall and never touch again the holy work of FASA.
  2. A hatch was installed into the Gemini 2 capsule and successfully tested. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OPS_0855 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manned_Orbital_Laboratory Also, the Space Shuttle had a landing gear, didn't it?
  3. Just an idea and inspiration: What about a (k)russian Duna mission: http://epizodsspace.no-ip.org/bibl/pil-ex-na-mars/pilot-ex.pdf
  4. I think I figured out, how to invlude attachments. This one? http://www./view/2n04b986f6eqogg/log.txt
  5. I have the same problem. The performance improved (before, I always had a crash, when I tired to open the space center or reload any savegame) The interface says, there is zero crew in my ship, so the resources are infinite. When using bobcats ships, the ECLSS panel is useless and the warning lights blink in all colors.
  6. Ouch, Ariane 6... Some things should have never happened. But sine you made this great efford to build the whole european programm, I just have to bite the bullet of this beaurobratic abomination. By the way, any news about constellation duna mission? I would love to see this (best with habitat and rover - all bobcat-compatible with LER and ARES IV).
  7. Thank you, that might be the problem. I had no issues with MIR-based space stations. I will try and build an ISS without PMA1 and try again.
  8. Kouston, I think I have a problem. Since the 0.20.2 patch the docking autopilot (mechjeb 2.08) doesn't work anymore. I select the dockin port of my ship as "control from here" and as target a docking port on a space station. Before the patch everything worked just fine. I often docked with bobcat's Buran at the ISS. And it docked very fast. Now, docking takes eternity and the autopilot fails to dock with dozens of attempts. Most times the autopilot manages to get too much speed and leaves the docking distance. Any help?
  9. 1. From a circularized orbit, 0 degrees inclination, use the regular MJ Auto-land, as if I was bringing in a Pod based craft. (With KSC set as the target) check. 2. Once I hit the dense atmosphere (the middle shade of Blue, between the Dark Blue and Lighter blue?) do I: -2a. Turn off the regular Landing Auto Pilot, and engage the Spaceplane guidance Auto-land (with the "Show ILS" option checked?) check. Plane turns into flight direction making reentry look phantasic (and very much needed when later reentry heat will be added). -2b. Leave Landing Autopilot on and also engage the SpacePlane Gudiance Auto land? It appears that both can function at once. nope. 3. Once in sight of KSC, it's expected to be at ~5k meters altitude (I've had this happen several times as well). Continue on course, while commanding MJ to drop to ~2.5k meters. check. Turn off ILS landing autopilot and engage spaceplane autopilot - stay on course and drop to 4. 4. Fly over KSC, descend to ~2.5k Meters check. 2000 might be possible too. 5. Once at that altitude and now having overshot KSC, turn 180 degrees, and make a westward approach/landing? check. Turn on ILS autopilot again. It will correct the course and turn 180 degrees. It will need some distance for this course correction to line up with the runway. 6. Just remenber, that ILS autopilot tends to land right before the runway, so use a little throttle to keep speed at ca 60-90. 7. Happy landings.
  10. Sure. It's quite easy. Use the normal landing autopilot for the breaking burn. Just turn on the spaceplane ILS autopilot short before entry into the dense atmosphere. As daver4470 said, the Autopilot comes much too high over KSP runway after reentry. So I just keep flying some time in my current direction by ordering the flight autopilot to keep it's current course and drop to say 2-3000 meters, then I turn on the ILS landing autopilot again. The Buran turns slow as a whale, so you need some distance. Use the RCS too. Then you're on your glidepath. The autopilot tends to land right before the runway, so I use a little throttle to keep it flying, turn off the engines when I pass the runway and it softly glides down. Touchdown! Brakes on and parachute when speed has dropped. And we're home again.
  11. The launch stabilizers didn't explode anymore and tended to rematerialize in orbit or high atmosphere and crashed into your craft sometimes. EDIT: They still don't explode anymore. Also experiencing another issue with the debug console menu, which becomes "invisible" sometimes. Might be an Mechjeb problem, don't know which mod causes this problem.
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