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Everything posted by chaospockets109

  1. This would certainly be feasible. Lack Lustre Labs has an extendable docking port that does pretty much exactly what you're describing, except it uses both LLL's visual aesthetic and mod-specific 'Common Berthing Port' docking nodes.
  2. Hmm, weird. I used that with my initial launch and still got decay; just tried again with a fresh reactor and decay started at 0.05% (which I imagine will only last for a brief while). Reactor in question is the Akula 3.75, just for reference - It's no big deal, though, just thought it might've been a bug. Probably just post-0.23.5 jitters or something.
  3. Is there a way to have a fission reactor start completely cold? I wanted to launch a reactor module up for my space station sans fuel, fuel it in orbit, and then start it, but launching even with the reactor completely drained of fuel still makes me sit through three days of decay heating, plus the waste heat production associated with it. No big deal really, I guess - time acceleration exists for a reason - but it's still a little weird
  4. So I'm finally starting to wrap my head around how Interstellar works. One minor question: What can I refine on Minmus and Dres? The wiki doesn't mention either body and I'd rather not lug refineries, power plants and a bunch of storage containers there to find out... forgive my laziness but I'm trying to stave off building fatigue
  5. I'm having a weird problem with the ISRU in the VAB. When I mouse over it, the image of the module balloons out of its window, through the camera (turning invisible when it does so). I can still drop the module onto rockets and stuff, but it's a WEIRD effect. Anyone else getting that? All that aside, congrats on a superb mod - loving its challenge, rewards, lack of cheatiness and absence of parts-bloat.
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